Chapter 4: Storytime

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"Wakey wakey, fresh m—human."

Opening your eyes, you bolted upright in the bed that wasn't yours. Darkness and one red orb met you, the crimson eye darting all over you with an unreadable emotion. You slammed your own eyes shut.

Where were you? Where was mom? Dad? Chara? What was this? Where was this?

Gathering your thoughts with a deep breath, you opened your eyes yet again, staring into Horror's face.

"Oh," he frowned, "I thought you were dead. Huh." He slid off of the bed, landing on the floor. "Boss told me to watch you until— if you woke up, so..."

Horror walked over to the large doors, hands in his bloody pockets. "My job here is done." And with that, he was gone. You could have sworn he was covering his nose and mouth and hurrying out, like he was scared...

Rubbing your eyes, they finally adjusted to the dim light. The room was mostly black, with occasional blue highlights. A desk stood in the corner, covered in books. Torches dimly lit the vast area. Overall, the bedroom was surprisingly nice, despite its morbid aura. You were currently in your T-shirt and jeans, sitting clueless on the velvet bed. Rubbing your arms, you realized how cold it was.

Your gaze darted around for something else to wear over the shirt and your bare arms. Thankfully, your (F/C) hoodie was folded neatly on a side table.

Sliding it on, you made your way to the doors. They were large black stone doors, engraved with lapis lazuli. For such a strange monster, he has a pretty good design sense.

The hallway wasn't any better than the bedroom. It was still dim, and very long. A few shapes that looked quite suspiciously like Papyrus rushed about at differing speeds, some running like their lives depended on it.

You wouldn't have been surprised if their lives were on the line.

Receding back into the bedroom, you pulled out your phone and attempted to call Ms. Toriel. While the phone was buzzing, you lifted it to your ear, anxious.

The phone exploded with miscellaneous sounds, not all of them pleasant. Yanking the phone away from your now half-deaf ear, you tried again with Sans. Then Papyrus. Then Chara.

Every time you got nothing but loud static.

Taking a deep breath, you put the phone away. You couldn't contact anyone. No one could contact you. You didn't even know where the hell you were.

Suddenly overwhelmed with helplessness, you curled up on the bed. No tears fell from your eyes, surprising you mildly. But not really. You had seen quite a lot.

Of course, everything you've ever seen was nothing compared to this.

After about 10 minutes, there was a gentle knocking on your door. "(N/N)?" Looking up from the pillow, you stared at the door, unmoving. Maybe if I pretend to be asleep, he'll go away.

A sigh. "(N/N), I know you're awake," Nightmare commented, "We just have a few things to explain. I know you want an explanation. Let me give it to you."

A few moments passed before you decided that you were probably going to die either way. You stumbled over to the door and opened it. The inky skeleton looked slightly annoyed, but mostly concerned.

He motioned for you to come with him. Following him down the halls, you saw the Papyrus-things were gone. Suspicious. After taking a few turns and going down many a hallway, the two of you came across a huge room. Your jaw almost dropped.

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now