Chapter 3: Taken

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After a short yet tense walk with Chara, the two of you finally arrived at Papyrus's house.

Opening the door, you felt your phone buzz in your backpack. Motioning for Chara to go greet Sans who was (hopefully) home, you checked the small screen.


Hey hon. I have to work in a bit late today. You can stay at the skelebro's house?

You sighed. Again? This was the fourth time this week. You barely got to see her anymore. You barely got to see anyone in your family anymore. It was almost like the didn't care.

Oh well. Screw them, because you had Chara, Sans, and Papyrus to back you up.

Fine but I hope you get a day off soon
I kinda miss you

With a small snicker you sent the message. You didn't really miss them. Ok. Maybe a little. But sometimes, they could really get down on you for your aggressive ways...

Shrugging the backpack on, you clomped up the stairs.

Even from a few feet away, you could already hear the giggles and small jokes and 'soon I'll be in the royal guard!' The usual.

So why did it feel like something was off?

Pushing the door open, you immediately locked eyes with a small blue skeleton. He gasped happily.

"(N/N)!!!" Sans cried, leaping onto you with open arms. You nearly fell backwards with a small wheeze. Pushing him off, he kept on repeating, "Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what? Guess what?"

After about 10 seconds of his excitement, you sighed and gave in, groaning, "What?"

The small skeleton smiled even wider (if that was even possible) and gushed, "Alphys is letting me into the guard!!"

Your eyes widened slightly. Alphys was letting him in? I mean sure, there was a lot more peace and less violence, but if there was a major uprising he could get hurt or...

Chara sighed and glanced your way. "Considering," they corrected Sans. "She might let you in." Sans only huffed in response, folding his arms.

"I am perfectly qualified for the job! I—"

C r a s h

You all jumped into the air at the sound. Pulling out your pocket knife and swearing under your heavy breath, Sans boldly led you and Chara down the stairs.

What you saw shocked you.

The wall in the front of the house had been completely destroyed. Wood was scattered everywhere, and the lights had all but exploded. Somehow there was no fire, but you could have sworn you saw a figure dash away from the scene.

"What the hell," you muttered, carefully making your way down the steps. Chara was frozen in shock, and Sans had summonses his bone weapons.

You barely made it out of the house before another sound was heard, a loud scream that was quickly cut off.

Sans was on full guard mode now. He took a defensive stance, eyes narrowed. You pulled out your knives and ran over the spells you had learned so far in your head.

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now