Chapter 16: Violet

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Your eyes gently flickered open to a dark, corrupted sky.

Without knowing whether to smile or frown, you sat up on the ocean surface. It was as cold as ever, the liquid lapping gently against your hand. It was calming, and you lay back down. Maybe if I lie down long enough and fall asleep again, I can wake up.

Then the ripples turned much harsher.

They splashed onto your face, turning from cute to annoying very fast. Liquid ice was suddenly seeping into your hoodie, and you jolted up.

"What the fuck?" You turned to where the waves were coming from, and immediately your view was blacked out by a huge wall of the darkness plowing your way. In an attempt to run, you forced your tired, confused legs to move.

Something strange happened then. Everything around you shook, and a soul-shattering sound filled the air. Clapping your hands over your ears, you watched the waves grow only harsher. It sounded terrified and sad at the same time.

You needed to find it.

Turning to the wave, you jogged headfirst at the wall. Closer, closer, closer...

It was much colder than you had expected.

Your SOUL screamed in pain, the black veins pulsing and throbbing with something you had yet to learn of. Glueing your mouth shut, you continued your leap to the other side.

Bending over, you allowed your breath to come. How were you already exhausted? The air was filled with a cold, icy smell that you couldn't exactly put your finger on. It made you shudder.

The waves had reduced significantly, going from cargo ship-sinking to paper boat-drowning. At least now you could see the epitome of the chaos.

There was a figure there—a sight you had seen many times before—but something was different. Although he was still chained to the ocean, the water around him seemed... less dark. With closer observation, one could see that the area surrounding his boots was actually a deep violet.

He was straining against the links, each tug making another wave. You cautiously made your way to him, ignoring the waves of panic he was giving off.

"...Uhm," You coughed, trying to draw the chained skeleton's attention. "Hi?"

The chained skeleton whirled around immediately, his violet eyes crazed and tired. It was sad, really. Even you could tell he had been here for quite a while. "(Y/N)? What—"

"Please," you sighed, "Just call me (N/N)." The chained skeleton nodded understandingly. You smiled. It wasn't often now that you would come across an understanding person.

"Apologies. But really," he started glancing around slightly frantically, as if anticipating someone he really didn't want to meet. "What are you doing here? You need to leave! Now!"

Taken aback by his sudden shift in tone, you held your hands up in surrender. "OK. Listen. I honestly have no damn clue how I got here," you shrugged casually. This seemed to calm the chained skeleton slightly, until his eyes suddenly flared again.

He took a breath, then tested the black-rotted chains holding his arms down. "(N/N)," he whispered softly, "Take my hand. We need to get far away. Further away than... here." Oh boy. He really was tensed up wasn't he? But why..?

Without hesitating you held out your hand. His eyes widened comically, the violet pupils sliding up to meet your (E/C) eyes. "You're trusting me?" The chained skeleton frowned, taking your hand. His was ice cold, but there seemed to be a tiny spark of warmth beneath. "Even though you just met me?"

~ 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~     {𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓}Where stories live. Discover now