Dark Savior

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I was lost, but when you found me all I felt was relief.
Even if you are different from what I pictured you'd be like.

Jimin had somehow wandered into a dark part of town and now was trying to find his way out through the maze of alleys and narrow pathways. The night sky made the scarce light, flickering on and off, even creepier than it usually was. The wind's breezes caused Jimin's spine to tingle with nerves and his eyes darted around the place, to find some sort of inspiration where he exactly was. 

Suddenly he was pushed against the brick wall, digging into thetender skin of his back. Wincing at the pain, he had the vague feeling that some part of his back was scraped. But that hardly mattered when he saw a man leaning over him, smoking a cigar and with dark emotions in his eyes. Jimin, having been always nurtured and cared for since birth and with a naturally sweet personality had hardly made enemies and seeing a stronger man with violence in his eyes, he shrunk back instinctively. 

"Well look what we have here, a delicious treat. So pure...it'll be so sweet to watch you dirtied by me. What do you say, dear?" The man smirked, drawling out his words as he closed in, his breath like the cigarettes he had just consumed. 

Jimin shivered in disgust and his heart rare started to beat faster, biting at his lip. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes and he wondered if today was the day when he'd lose his virginity to a street roamer. And in the most disgusting and humiliating way possible. Just as the man was about to kiss him, he doubled over, collapsing on the ground. Jimin cringed away in disgust and fear, shying away from the body on the ground and from the two figures. 
"Yoongi. You were terribly late." Jimin saw the vague outline of two figures, one taller than the other.
The two slowly approached him, Jimin shaking in fear and pressing against the wall. Please don't, please don't.
"See? That bastard had already done enough damage. Dish out your punishment at home." Jimin took in the sight of two equally dark dressed men before him. Jimin assumed the taller one who spoke was the one who spoke first, calling the shorter beside him, Yoongi.
"Yes." Yoongi sharply knelt before rigidly standing up and turning on his heels disappearing into the night.
"I had you followed by Yoongi for about a month already. But he was late to your rescue. Tell me, doesn't he deserved it?" The man tilted Jimin's chin up to clearly look at his face.
He was all muscle and sharp but yet lean, Jimin realized. The perfect pink Cupid bow shaped lips and the possessive and dark eyes that Jimin for some reason liked.
"I-what do you want?" Jimin stuttered, fear overcoming his attraction to his features.
"Well, dear. I don't want anything. Except you. And I will go to any length to get what's mine." Jungkook whispered, catching Jimin who fainted trying to process everything.

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