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Everyone chooses the path they take and what they end with.

Jungkook fingered the necklace, tracing the heart over and over. Seokjin had told him that Jimin might not wake up until after a few days, and Jungkook being a lovesick fool, resolutely stared at the peaceful figure in the bed, never leaving the room.

"I swear if you're not going to wake up, I will kill you. Then kill myself." Jungkook demanded, knowing that it was probably futile, when Jimin was clearly unconscious.

"You..." Jungkook began again, but trailed off as soon as he started, feeling the familiar ache in his chest and the familiar pooling sensation in his eyes.

Turning away, Jungkook sniffled, angrily wiping the tears from his eyes with the backs of his hands in indigence. Why couldn't Jimin just wake up? Then Jungkook wouldn't have to be a moping mess, like he just came out of the Lord of the Flies and killed two people. But then again, he deserved it for agreeing with his dream and giving his consent for Jimin had suffered.

But Jungkook was too worn out after countless days of restlessness and reprimanding Hoseok, having half the mind to just catapult himself out into the sea.

Jimin was running in a field of flowers, daisies and sunflowers abundantly, but suddenly sprayed with bright red, a trickling sensation down the side of his head.

And suddenly, everything went black. And replaced with a familiar colored ceiling. And a familiar breathing, a familiar hand over his.

"Jungkook?" Jimin rasped out, clearly in need of hydration as he turned his head for his eyes to fall on the back of his significant other.

Jungkook thought he was dreaming. That Jimin woke up and the first thing Jimin spoke was his name, and not water. That maybe...maybe Jimin wasn't mad at him.

Whipping his head so fast that his eyes could fall out of their socket and ruffled locks shading over his eyes, he pinched himself to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Ouch. Yep, definitely NOT a dream.

Jungkook felt like the happiest man on earth, until his spirits came crashing down at the gauze wrapped around Jimin's head. Of course.

Jungkook turned away as fast as he did before, and if not, faster. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes again, not only because Jimin had finally woken, but because he was filled with guilt and regret.

Jimin frowned, slightly hurt and opened his mouth to scold Jungkook, but immediately closed it after hearing a whimper. Eyes filled with concern, he pulled on his hand, but it was enough for Jungkook to look at him.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Jimin gently asked, tracing soothing circles with his thumb over the back of Jungkook's hand, smiling to assure that Jungkook could tell him anything.

Jungkook cried harder, this time burrowing his head in Jimin's chest. Jimin patted his back soothingly, moving his free hand to massage the nape of his neck.

"Don't you know, Jimin?" Jungkook confusedly raised his head, causing Jimin to let out a short laugh because the sight of cute Jungkook was too much to bear.

Jimin sighed, "I was hoping we wouldn't talk about it...." At this, Jungkook once again burrowed his head into the warm embrace he hoped would last a thousand centuries.

"I'm sorry...I thought you wouldn't get hurt. But Hoseok—." Jungkook cut off, closing his eye briefly.

"It's not Hoseok, although it may seem like it. Jungkook, I don't want you to be angry all the time just because of it. I've moved on, and I've made it out in one piece." Jimin consoled, pressing a kiss into the soft hair affectionately.

The younger looked up with hopeful eyes and repeated, "You moved on?"

And Jimin confirmed it, "I moved on. You know I could never stay mad at you long."

Soo Young was sitting by the bed of which lay her son, Namjoon on the opposite side of the bed.

"I trust you." Soo Young broke the silence, lifting her eyes to meet Namjoon's shocked orbs.

"Even if you may be the brother of the one who held me captive, I could see in you, your intellect and wisdom, long over your years. I've seen the way you stared at Yoongi—I think it's cute—you were devoted, worried, and you truly cared for the wellbeing of my son." Soo Young confessed with a demure smile on her face as she watched Namjoon's face also grow into one, sheepishly bowing his head.

"I'm not as great as others think." Namjoon stated, shaking his head with gentle disagreement.

Soo Young only smiled, returning to watch her son sleep. He would wake up any moment, having woke up a few hours after Jinyoung managed some high quality surgery, and promptly fell asleep for another day.

"I disagree—but you can let my son tell you when he wakes." And as if on cue, said person's eyelashes fluttered open, letting out a grunt with a dismal expression.

Yoongi's mother did not burst into tears, nor gesture for attention, and instead waited for him to notice her. His eyes, scanning the ceiling, first looked down at his body under the sheets, sighing in relief when his arm moved to rest over his stomach. His eyes trailed the space of the room, seeing Namjoon's face breaking out into a smile, an unknown figure in the corner like a doctor of sorts fumbling with some things, and lastly—a woman.

Blinking his eyes, Yoongi tried to make sense of what he saw. Did they really succeed? Was he in a dream? A hallucination? After so many years of separation, was he really seeing her?

"Eomma? Is it really you?" Yoongi rasped out, reaching out a hand to touch the woman he knew since a baby.

Soo Young smiled the brightest she could in her life and clasped Yoongi's hand in her own, massaging his fingers with tender care. Nodding, she leaned into kiss his forehead and breathed in the familiar, yet fading scent of his hair.

Namjoon hid a smile, quietly standing up and walking out, the doctor following him.

Jinyoung considered Namjoon for a moment, then posed the question.

And Namjoon wasn't the surest except in this moment.

"Yes, he's the one for me."

Somehow, both pairs went through thick and thin to be together—and succeeded. Maybe it was a higher power's influence or their fate. Who knows? Both had their happy ever after.

And Taehyung—like all others—wasn't completely 100% antagonist. Repenting as he breathed his last breath, he was given neither heaven nor hell, but instead the Midway.



Last chapter. Yeah, it's the end. Finis is Latin for end. I made Taehyung the last paragraph because he deserves it, for being my antagonist, and because he's an angel in real life. Thank you all for reading to the end, and I wouldn't have made it here if not for you guys! Thank you so much!

(Please notify me if there are any typos or mistakes in this chapter because this is one of the most important chapters and I rather not have it be the sloppiest.)





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