"I have a feeling you're meant for each other"

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Sleep can do wonders. 

Jimin and Jungkook stood around the table, Yoongi and Namjoon on the other side. 

"So as I was saying, you two need to 'break up' and Jimin runs from the house to the red district, where Jeon's enemy rules and acts as bait, attracting attention and leading them away from the headquarters." Yoongi continued on, Jungkook's eyes flashing when he heard of the plan.

"Absolutely not. Jimin not going anywhere from me." Jungkook interjected, huffing and protectively wrapping Jimin in his arms, turning him away from the two and towards his chest. 

"Come on, Jungkook." Namjoon sighed, pleading with his eyes, "Yoongi will be set free. He won't have a hold over you anymore. Besides, you could kill two birds with one stone if you eliminate him in the process and save yourself the trouble...and later marry the love of your life." Namjoon whispered the last part, but the other three heard him clearly enough, the couple growing pink in the cheeks, Yoongi letting out a small laugh. 

Jungkook visibly tightened and finally responded, "Let me think it over," running a hand through his disheveled hair and left, loosening his arms around Jimin's petite frame and heading out. 

Jimin watched him with meaningful eyes but didn't follow, knowing Jungkook's personality all too well. If he was there, there would be an even slimmer chance to convince Jungkook or even get him to think about the matter. Nonetheless, Jimin was willing to go through with it, Yoongi and Namjoon he was sure wouldn't allow him—Jungkook included—to become bait alone. 

Jungkook walked out the back door and sighed. Jimin going was just too dangerous, he thought as he stared up at the night sky, the stars reminding him of Jimin's eyes. No, he absolutely must not allow it to happen. But then he wouldn't be able to finally get rid of that Kim brother, Taehyung. 

A/N: I know you all love Taehyung and I do as well, please don't kill me for making Tae the antagonist!

Then he would be able to marry Jimin with a grand proposal and wedding...no it was too early to think of that. Maybe just engagement. But if he wanted all that, he had to go through with the plan and risk getting Jimin hurt. The plan didn't have a 100% success rate as well, Jimin could possibly get captured and Jungkook would probably fall into depression. 

So was it...

Drag it out further and keep safe


Kill two birds with one stone and marry Jimin grandly but not a 100% success rate? 

Jungkook sighed. 


That night, he fell asleep on the bench, reminiscing the times Jimin and him had fun in their childhood days. 

"Jungkookie! Catch me if you can!" Jimin teased, laughing out loud as he ran around the house, baiting the younger, eyes shining and lips curved in a happy smile. 

"I'm the golden child! I will."  Jungkook replied with fake haughtiness, halting and standing up straighter, chin up as he attempted a dominant stare but failing miserably and causing both to laugh. 

Jungkook took the chance to pounce on Jimin when he was laughing and rolled around with him on the carpet, shouting with pride, "Gotcha!" 

The parents watched fondly as the children played, hands clasped together. The mother knelt by the boys and kindly smiled, ruffling them on their heads. 

"I have a feeling you're meant for each other." 


Jungkook fluttered his eyes open, noting he still was on the bench with an incredible sore back but miraculously didn't mind when he recalled the dream, the answer finally coming to him. 

"I have a feeling you're meant for each other." Jungkook repeatedly whispered, fingering the blanket he knew for sure that Jimin had draped over him, eyes shining with the answer. 

"That's it." Jungkook confidently said to himself and stood up with the blanket in hand, wincing slightly at the muscle pain but smiling nonetheless. 

He had gotten the answer. 

Jungkook briskly started up the stairs and down a few hallways, opening the door and expecting Jimin.  Jimin was, with a twist. It wasn't the sunlight that illuminated his skin through the curtains or the peaceful expression on his face. It was the fact that the blankets were thrown to the side, and Jungkook's big shirt had ridden up and exposed some of the cleavage Jungkook was totally and perfectly content with seeing, if not desiring. 

"Shut up, Jeon." Jungkook glared at his lower body and deliberately faced away from Jimin, trying to calm the excitement downstairs. 

"But I am definitely fucking Park when we're married." Jungkook muttered, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. 

Jimin had just woken and heard there comment, face turning red as he buried himself under the covers, mortified when the shirt had shown too much skin. 

"Shut up, Jungkook." Jimin grumbled, a small lump under the covers. 

Jungkook started, whipping his head around to see Jimin's heated face peeking out of the covers to stare at him. 

"Uh...that...um...yeah? Anyways it's a reluctant consent and you are not to let yourself get hurt, your hear me? And yep...I've got some work downstairs?" Jungkook rambled, running out of the room and closing the door behind him, heart beating abnormally fast. 

Yep, he was definitely in love with his childhood friend, Park Jimin. 

Embarrassingly so.


A/N: I thought this showed Jungkook's cute and lovely side very well, especially towards Jimin. Wishing you all happy quarantine! Those of you in school: Fighting, Zoomers! Haven't updated in so long and just updated my other stories as well, today was hectic. This story will soon end, this is the final conflict. Although I think that there was none to begin with lol. 





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