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Being crazy can be detrimental. Be detailed and industrious in your work.

Jimin felt as if he broke his kneecaps with a grimace, rubbing them sorely as he summoned the rest of his energy, seating himself in the car. Exhaling a breath he didn't know he held, he threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair, eyes unconsciously wandering to the receding window of which surprised faces stared at them, some recklessly jumping out and hurrying out to their own cars.

"Be prepared for a wild ride!" Hoseok cheerfully advised and Jimin stared in disbelief at the man who gave no care to the world, stepping on the gas and accelerating at inhuman speed with a maniac smile upon his face.

Jimin widened his eyes as he was thrown forward and back, the pure power of the speed acting as a propeller and pushing him back firmly against the seat. His heart was in his throat as he looked back, seeing a trail of black cars chasing after them.

"Better hold on tight!" Hoseok reminded, glancing at the rearview with a smile that wasn't quite a smile and sped faster, increasing distance between the car and the others.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it as he was almost thrown out of the seat, holding onto the dashboard with quivering hands. His breaths came out frantic and panting like he was running a marathon, sweat beading on his forehead and palms. He was a nervous train wreck and wanted to throw up as he inhaled and exhaled, steadily as possible to force back the bike that rose in his throat. Swallowing with trepidation, Jimin closed his eyes tightly and tried to drown himself in comforting thoughts.

Hoseok is one of Jungkook's trusted men, there is no way that Jungkook would allow him to let Hoseok drive me at the fastest speed possible without having complete faith. Yes, there was no way they were going to crash. At all...right?

"Don't worry, we're almost there." Hoseok seemed to notice Jimin's concern and comforted him, daringly reaching out a hand to pat Jimin's back.

Bad idea. The car's speed was wild and dangerously out of control and the sound of tires squealing prompted Jimin to open his eyes. The car had swerved when Hoseok let off control of the wheel and hurtled at the closest building.

It was as if time had stopped and the sounds were incomprehensible, like murmurs underwater as the front of the car caved in and glass shattered. Jagged pieces of the glass stopped in slow motion during Jimin's last seconds of conscious, his fading senses faintly detecting a trickling warm liquid down the side of his face and the smell of blood.

Was it his?

Jimin thought, all thoughts sluggish and incoherent as he struggled to stay conscious, all sounds muted and sharp pain shooting through his temple. The last thing he saw was Hoseok's frantic face as his arms wrapped around Jimin's form, carrying him out. He saw stars and let his eyes flutter close, head drooping and form relaxing.

Maybe this is it?


Yoongi and Namjoon waited with baited breaths. Yoongi paced anxiously, his lips drying with nervousness. A boom resounded through the chamber and both turned to connect eyes, one a set of resignation and the other with trepidation and the slightest sliver of hope.

The stainless steel wall had lifted upwards with a silent notice.

"Oh my god..." Yoongi breathed out, clutching Namjoon like his life depended on it, quivering with relief.

"Oh my god...oh my god..." Yoongi whispered repeatedly, inhaling the calming scent of the taller and snuggling into his chest, emotions spilling out of his voice.

Namjoon drew Yoongi closer and rested his chin on the fluffy locks he loved, wrapping the petite in a protective grasp. The two basked in each other's embrace for a while, blissful smiles on their faces.

"I think we need to get on with the mission." Namjoon mumbled, unwillingly loosening his hold but not completely, his hand wrapping around Yoongi's with reassurance.

"You're right." Yoongi nodded and the two faced the dungeon, cloaked in all black with only a few flickering lights as a guide.

"Is it really this easy?" Namjoon suspiciously asked, eyes sharp as he surveyed the area, taking hesitant steps in.

"If it's this easy, we have to take advantage of this." Yoongi replied, quickly walking in with silent steps, surveying the cells occupied by a different assortment of people not his mother.

Namjoon just nodded, unconvinced as he fingered the many poison darts under his palm and sleeve, following after Yoongi into the flickering darkness of a dungeon. Something wasn't right, Namjoon thought. It was just too silent. Logically speaking, if this were a highly secured place, there would be guards stationed at each turn, cell, entrance, you name it.

And Namjoon hit the point when a creaking noise sounded. Yoongi and Namjoon immediately froze, scanning their surroundings and slowly turning around with weapons at ready.

"Well? Who's this?"

Shadows surrounded them with guns drawn, masked and hooded.


Happy Weekend!





Please tell me if there are any mistakes. I really appreciate constructive criticism to better my work. I would not ask this otherwise because I really do want to make this beautiful story with a beautiful couple shine like the stars in the skies. ❤️⭐️

Thank you, Jikookstars~

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