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A/N: Yoongi's mother's name is purely fictional and is not the real name of his mother.

Nothing is easy to obtain.

Yoongi and Namjoon cautiously yet quickly advanced, scanning the cells perceptibly. Some cells held well known criminals and hit men, others housing demoted office workers.

The dungeons were oddly clean for a confinement, but it was a given if you knew how Taehyung made sure every little detail was right, which was a primary reason for his success rate.

It seemed like hours, until they came across a darkened part of the dungeon, stone changing into obsidian marble like something out of a Star Wars movie.

"Hey, if he keeps your mother here, it means he didn't intend to hurt her." Namjoon commented, trying to lighten but failing miserably when Yoongi's face sweaty face glared at him.

"Hey, but—" Namjoon was cut off when Yoongi fell forward, stiff as a piece of wood and had it not been for Namjoon catching him, he most likely would've had a bloodied nose and a few bruises.

"I can't have you dying on me." Namjoon grumbled, and with little effort because Yoongi was that light, held him safely in his arms to continue the search, deliberately quickening his pace.

But the warm seeping of blood through his clothes caused Namjoon to widen his eyes, heartbeat quickening as he struggled to maintain composure. Yes, Yoongi was strong and would definitely hold on to see his mom and spend quality time with her. Everything would be alright. With this in mind, Namjoon took a deep breath and resumed.

The cells in this area gave away nothing of its contents, constructed doors and walls barring from one seeing in and out. But Namjoon had a way with his brother's mind. He was the type of person to put the most valued prisoner of his in the deepest area, but the second door to the deepest in order to deter one from finding the one.

Trying the door, Namjoon found it eerily open and peering inside, saw only a figure at the corner, lying on an exquisite bed with features much like Yoongi's.

"Yoongi's mother?" Namjoon whispered, taking an experimental step into the cell, sighing with relief when no boulder came swinging at him or spikes that shot out of the floor, or chains that fastened him in place.

Making sure to leave something so the door wouldn't fully close and trap him along with Yoongi in the mother from getting out, Namjoon laid Yoongi by the door, the only safe place he confirmed.

Taking another step, Namjoon immediately knew he had stepped wrong. Taehyung was the type to build mechanisms that offered no reprieve to the intruder and it was most likely that the traps were designed to lure the person to the net if he/she succeeded and passed the former.

Arrows shot throw, slicing thin air, but not slicing Namjoon when he ducked, taking a few steps under and to the nearest corner of the room.

It was as if the traps were designed for Namjoon, predicting his movements with precision, even when he tried to mess with his pattern. Spikes came next, barely penetrating through Namjoon's soles before he leapt to the next square when a ramming device suddenly appeared and tried to knock him out.

"Yoongi's mother!" Namjoon tried again, ducking spears and jumping chasms.

The figure lay motionless, but a slight movement of a finger was all Namjoon needed to continue.

Namjoon was out of breath, barely halfway through as he tried to make a run for it, twisting to the side and down, jumping over deadly needles and outrunning squeezing traps.

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