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"Why are you doing this?" Namjoon had willingly let himself be tied and bound to a chair.

They were in a remote location, away from the bustle of the city. There wasn't any source of light except a lone window providing barely the sight to see around him. 

"Because my master ordered this." Yoongi coldly replied and turned away, trying to keep his own feelings at bay. 

Namjoon was hard to resist, after all they were friends for ten years and had worked under the same master, although Yoongi's true master wasn't Jungkook. Every time Yoongi would see Namjoon, he would be filled with warmth and care. In reality, he actually cared for the younger, showing it through discreet actions and rough but sweet words at times. 

In this situation, Yoongi wasn't sure if he could last any longer if he even just took a glance at Namjoon.

"Can we at least talk this out?" Namjoon asked, both knowing he wasn't a fan of violence or fights and instead wanted to talk it out peacfully to reach some sort of agreement. 

"Fine." Just hearing Namjoon's patient but understanding voice had pushed Yoongi on the edge of tears and regret. 

"Okay. I know this was ordered by your master. You can do whatever you want to me, but just don't hurt my master and his person. That's all I ask of you. Only that. I don't expect you to tell me who your master is, what he wants or your motives. Because I have full trust in you." Namjoon spoke, every word honest and the truth. He felt it from the bottom of his heart, he knew the true Yoongi, caring and soft, always having a hand outstretched for Namjoon, figuratively and literally. He knew he could trust Yoongi from the bottom of his heart, right when he met him.

Yoongi hadn't expected such a selfless response. Knowing Namjoon, he always made these kind of speeches. He remembered a time when Namjoon scolded him for not taking care of the abandoned cat. It was still with him. 

"Yoongi! You are NOT supposed walk right by an animal in need! Look at it, it's white fur dirty and matted, the multiple scratches and the limp from a twisted leg! Go right now and bring it back with you. Take him/her to the vet!" Namjoon scolded, hitting Yoongi on the head, making sure it didn't hurt that much but hurt enough to knock some sense into his head,

"Geez, you sound like my mom. Sometimes you're even worse than Jin." Yoongi grumbled under his breath and started towards the small kitten. 

The ride to the vet was filled with countless heroic speeches and dramatic scenes...

The corner of his lips slightly turned up before he snapped himself out of it.

"You know my master had most likely ordered for the capture of Park Jimin. And as well as the downfall of the Jeon Enterprises. I can't do anything about it! I can't! What am I supposed to do? I can't do anything but stand by and watch Jeon Enterprises fall, master Jeon being so broken over it..." Yoongi shouted, throwing his knife across the room, the sharp tip embedding itself in the wood and shaking slightly. 

"Yoon. You can do something. You can come to our side. You can break free of the chains your master bound you to. You have rights. Rights to choose your master." Namjoon softly but firmly replied, hiding the pain at seeing Yoongi so tormented. 

"Joon. I can't. You don't understand." Yoongi brokenly whispered, falling to his knees in front of Namjoon. 

"Oh Yoongi..." Namjoon could only watch as Yoongi writhed on the cold floor, tormented on what to do.

"If you tell me, I'll do my best to help you." Namjoon desperately watched as Yoongi tore himself apart.

"Really now? Who would help such a useless and betrayer of a person? Betraying his own family! You don't even like me anymore!" Yoongi yelled, tears spilling down his face. 

"Yoongi! Listen to me!" Namjoon yelled, a shocked Yoongi snapping his head to him.

"Now is not the time to bawl over your actions. You already did them, nothing can change them. Tell me why you can't switch and we'll figure it out from there." Namjoon strictly told Yoongi, knowing it wasn't time to be sweet and caring to Yoongi at this time.

Yoongi needed someone that could put him in his place and correct him, not someone complacent and having the slightest fear of receiving Yoongi's lashes. 

"Well, i-if you really want to know. He has my mother captive. And threatened me with your life. It's your half brother, Namjoon."


"I heard all the information so you can't keep anything from me." The captor laughed and hit Jimin.

"So what if you did? You won't be able to do anything! Jeon Enterprises will not fall. Not now and not ever." Jimin ground out fiercely, trying the bounds but with no use.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I can't meet your standards, kitty. But you have not seen what I can do. And who's backing me." He loomed dangerously over Jimin, making Jimin cringe away in disgust.

"What can you do? I bet you can't even beat the hell out of someone like me, no skills or training in fighting." Jimin challenged but regretted it after the man swung a fist at his face, leaving a lasting bruise. 

"Come on. Let's see what you can do."  Jimin egged on, cocking his head with a smile, clinging to the hope of help arriving. 

This time, the man took out a dagger. It glinted dangerously in the light, silver and sharp. 

"Scared of this, aren't we?" The man chuckled before cutting his skin, trails of blood dripping from it shortly after. 

Jimin hissed, the wound stinging and itching. But still he held strong. Countless hits and cuts littered his body and still, he gritted his teeth and held strong, dangerously close to blacking out.


Jungkook was pacing in his office, knowing if the enemy, which he was pretty sure was the Kim Enterprises by now captured Jimin, they must've had some sort of obstacle to make finding and getting Jimin back harder. 

Getting a phone call from Yoongi and Namjoon, he hurriedly answered. 

"Have you guys found him?" Jungkook asked, tightening his grip on the phone.

"We know the directions. I just texted you them right before the phone call." Namjoon calmly replied, shooting a worried glance in Yoongi's direction.

"I figured you'd like to rescue him yourself, seem like a hero in front of your love interest's eyes?" Namjoon teased, the line abruptly cutting off. 

Jungkook quickly exited his office, running to the elevator. Blocked by two people he automatically he presumed were the enemy at the weapons in their hands, he disarmed both of them and took their legs out with rage. 

Using the same tactic when he encountered anyone blocking him, he exited the building and sped off. Whipping out his phone, he read the directions and followed them, driving beyond the speed limit. 

Encountering a few almost accidents and car horns, he made it safely. In front of a warehouse, he rushed in, not caring about anything. 

Every step, he felt his heart breathe faster. 

Every step, Jimin bled profusely.

Every step, cuts and hits rained down on him.

Every step, Jimin lost his consciousness, 

the last thing he saw was a dark figure rushing towards him.




Hope you guys liked this chapter! I have included more Jimin and Jungkook, because it' a JIKOOK after all. I'm sorry if the story drifted to far from Jikook, but now I think this have alternate chapters/ part of the chapter being Jikook/Namgi. I'll update the description so be sure to check that out!

More changes are sure to come, it's a fairly new story!

Thank you!




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