Blushes and Danger

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Jimin's eyes fluttered open, the muted light shining from behind the curtain more than enough to wake him. 

The first thing that hit him was the pain and the soreness. Remembering the horrors of yesterday, he shuddered and closed his eyes tightly. 

"Jimin?" Jungkook has just finished some business and headed back to his room to find Jimin all scrunched up and tense. 

Jimin didn't respond, still caught up in the pain. Jungkook moves closer and called his name again. Only when he laid a hand on Jimin's arm did he react. Jimin slapped the hand away, maddening Jungkook slightly. 

"Jimin? It's Jungkook." Jungkook cautiously said, looking for some sort of recognition from the smaller.

"Huh? Oh sorry Jungkook." Jimin opened his eyes and blushed furiously, wondering what was wrong with him slapping away Jungkook's hand. He was his childhood friend, and still his friend!

Seeing Jimin blush, Jungkook's heart did a flip. Strangely, his own face heated up a little as he watched Jimin fidget with the covers. 

"It's fine. But how are you doing?" Jungkook asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, facing Jimin.

At this simple action, Jimin blushed  furiously, his heart rate quickening. 

"I-I'm fine. Maybe a little hungry?" Jimin couldn't stop the embarrassment after he uttered those words and Jungkook threw his head back and laughed. 

"Anything for my little Jiminie." Jungkook smiled and got up to get Jimin something to eat. 

"Where you going?" Jimin didn't mean for his voice to sound harsh and almost...protective. It clearly said that Jimin wanted Jungkook to stay and that Jungkook should stay.

Burying his head in the pillow, thrashed around, too embarrassed already to care.

"Does Jimin not want me to leave?" Jungkook lightly teased, his insides melting like chocolate over Jimin's cute antics.

"Well...I just. Just get me food okay?" Jimin slightly red made shooing motions, unable to make any other motions without it hurting. 

"As you say."  Jungkook lightly chuckled before exiting and closing the door behind him. 

Jimin's smile remained as he replayed the playful banter they just had. Somehow, the happiness made the pain go away. Only when he showered did it hurt a bit, all the cuts and splatters of  water upon his bruises, it wasn't the best shower. At least he got the grim off. Feeling fresh and comfortable then he had in weeks, he dressed in a baby blue shirt and black leggings, what? Leggings were comfortable and please don't be sexist. 

Jimin giggles at his thoughts but knew they were to be true. Sexism existed as well as assumption of the other's gender. It was always based on appearance. And the distaste towards gays and bisexuals alike was not to be denied.

Speaking of which, he should ask about Jungkook's sexuality. He didn't want to fall in love with him but be shunned by him because he was straight.

Jungkook headed to the kitchen, pulling out his phone. Calling Yoongi, he put him on speaker before grabbing ingredients for breakfast. 

"Master?" Yoongi's voice sounded through the phone, sounding worried and anxious.

"You're forgiven. But I'll make sure Namjoon supervises all your work. I'm pretty sure you need to do something?" 

"Yes." Yoongi felt a huge sense of relief flood through him, making him sigh and flop down on the couch. 

"What? He forgave us?" Namjoon looked up from trying to fix the figurine he broke, the pieces lying spread out before him. 

"Yeah. Let me fix it, you do other stuff. The person who broke it is the person who's supposed to fix it but we both know you can't. After this we have stuff to do" Yoongi sighed and took Namjoon's spot on the floor, mending the figurine in no time and placing it back where it belonged.

"Time to take down your half brother."



Kay, so sort of short chapter. About 650 words and I hope you like it. Thank you for reading, it means a lot. I love spreading jikook so it's a pleasure seeing the view count go up!

I think I'll have to update part of the summary, the story is going a bit to the side. Once it's completed, there most likely wouldn't be any changes. Thank you!




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