A Series of Shocking Events

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I have a lasting affection for you no matter what you do to me.
And that's what makes me never leave your side and make these promises which is unlike me.

Jimin blearily blinked open his eyes and stretched in bed-wait. Bed? Jimin abruptly sat up, finding himself in an unfamiliar room. He was in a bedroom, almost all black and dark blue with white accents and gave off a slight modernist vibe. Looking around, he saw a dark figure push itself off the wall.

"You're awake." He raised an eyebrow and sat in the chair next to the bed, where Jimin was sitting.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Jimin had no idea why a stranger that had nothing to do with him saved him and brought him back. Much less a handsome and seemingly rich man that Jimin knew was too out of his league to even meet him. Yet, Jimin thought that he seen him before, his heart and mind were telling him that he was someone important.

"Although you may think that you don't, don't I look familiar? And what do you think this might be?" Jungkook closed in, trapping Jimin to the headboard and pulled out a silver heart necklace from his shirt. 

Jimin widened his eyes when he saw it. It had the same name engraved on it, Park Jimin. And it was exactly the same. So the question was how did it get into his hands?
He had only gave it to his childhood best friend, the all smiley and sunshine and cute boy who at that time was shorter.

"No way." Jimin breathed, looking at the man leaning over him in a new light.

"Yes way." Jungkook playfully smirked before getting off and sitting back into the chair with legs crossed.

"Jungkook...but you changed so much. And why'd you leave without any word?" Jimin compared the past and present, finding no whatsoever similarity. 

Jungkook pulled out a cigar and lit it, puffing out a plume of smoke before answering his question.
"We weren't even thinking of moving," Jungkook began, watching Jimin's reaction from the corner of his eye, "My parent died and the murderers took me away. Until was I about twelve did I manage to escape and form Jeon Enterprises from scratch with my bare hands." Jungkook told the long story short, taking a few whiffs of cigars inbetween.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry." Jimin's eyes were filled with pity and sadness but also love.

"I don't need your pity. It's just how it—life is. Just stay in the house okay?" Jungkook pulled the black silk covers back over Jimin before exiting.

"You care for me but you're still so heartless, cruel and demanding. What am I supposed to think of you?" Jimin wondered out loud, staring at the ceiling with a puzzled but dazed expression upon his face.

On one hand, Jungkook was sweet and caring. One the other, he killed without blinking and had blood on his hands. But his past was horrific and to think how just one small boy at the age of twelve could form the successful Jeon Enterprises today. 

"Aish! This is too much thinking! I can't go to sleep because I just woke up and he expected me to?" Jimin sat up again before getting out of the bed. Bending in half, he noticed an excruciating pain in his back. 

Feeling last night's events come back, he whimpered and fell to the ground, weak in the knees. He had hoped to forget and for the whole duration Jungkook was there, he did. But not now. He had no one to distract him from the horrors of last night. 

The sickly sweet words, the caresses, the wicked smile and the feeling of disgust and hopelessness all came back to him. He broke down sobbing, putting his face between his knees and covering it with his hands. He felt dirty, as if he were trash thrown away and covered in grime. 

"No! Go away! Stop it!" Jimin cried out, instinctively pushing himself into a corner in the room, curling up as he tried to ward off the invisible hands and man. 

His breathing hitched and his throat became clogged. Finding it harder and harder to breather, he struggled to take deep breaths. Feeling as if he was filthy, he rubbed his arms and legs, trying to get the feeling off. 

"Don't do this!" Jimin cried harder, grabbing at his hair. Furiously kicking, he barely noticed the stinging pain upon impact against the wall. 

Jungkook had only went down to get a glass of water when he heard a commotion going on in his bedroom. Rushing up to look, he found Jimin curled up on the cold floor in the corner and crying.

"Jimin!" Jungkook tried calling but it wasn't any use. 

Hugging him to prevent him from harming himself, he took all the kicks and hits, bitting back the grunts and sounds of pain. The only thing that Jungkook could think of was keeping Jimin safe and waking him up from his panic attack. The method he thought of wasn't the greatest success rate, but he could try. Ever since childhood, Jimin had a special spot for Jungkook, even besides his brother. With this thought in mind, he bravely called Jimin by his nickname. 

"Chim chim! Please. It's kookie, not the assualter! Please? Jiminie? It's kookie, Jungkookie." Jungkook pleaded, but that still wasn't any use. 

Jungkook frantically wracked his head,Yes, Jimin. Jimin's someone who craves comfort and warmth. He loves love and likes to be taken of.

"I love you, Chimchim!" Jungkook blurted out and even he himself found himself reddening in embarrassment but pride. 
Jimin's eyes seemed to return to their usual shiny and pretty self, his face relaxing and his movements gentler and slower. 

"Kook?" Jimin reached out a hand at Jungkook's cheek, caressing it.

"Yes, it's me. It's your childhood best friend." Jungkook knew Jimin needed attention and care so he gently sat him between his legs in the bed before guiding his head onto his chest. 

"Kook, th-that person harmed me! He-he touched me! I feel so dirty!" Jimin buried his face in Jungkook's shirt, crying his heart out and hiccuping.

"Shhh. It's alright. Kook's here. Right here, by your side. I'll never leave you." Jungkook soothed, cradling Jimin in his embrace. 

"You promise?" Jimin looked up at Jungkook for assurance, his ready eyes glistening and shining with unspoken hope.

"I promise."
Hi, so the reason why I'm updating so much today is because I have no school. Yay! All finals and exams are done for me! I hope this was good and made your day better. Again, errors are on accident. Please do not take offense. Personally, I think the early chapters of this book are rather cringy and fast paced because I was like 11/12 when I wrote it and stopped for a while before continuing.  Thank you!




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