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Everything is so...different. But I'll go to any lengths to be with you. To seek comfort and love.

The next day after the assault and panic attack, Jimin's life drastically changed. He had been told that his parents knew of his whereabouts and his condition and agreed for him to stay where he was. Now, he had a more lavish lifestyle, a bigger bed and room, tons of pillows he didn't need to use and as well as the amount and quality of the food. To sum it up, his life had contrasted greatly from barely enough food at the table and a small cramped room to a more luxurious and better one.

A one which he was still not used to, including the drastically different man who saved him. 

So waking up, nestled in silk sheets and several pillows strewn around him on the bed, he felt as if it were unreal. All of it, how he saved him at just the right time, and how he coincidentally was his childhood friend and rich. And now he was living with him?

Jimin stood up and stretched, starting to what he assumed was the bathroom dazedly. Finding all the sizes unreal and way too big, he just wasn't used to it. Realizing he had no clothes, he looked in the walk in closet for something. He didn't want to wear those that had been soiled and dirtied. It brought back traumatic memories. Sighing in relief at the sight of  clothes, he hesitated before picking out a white shirt since white made him feel pure and light blue jeans, he changed. The size was just right and fitted his form nicely. 

"No one will notice right? I hope Jungkook doesn't care. Please let everything be okay." He prayed out loud before pulling on his clothes. 

Feeling his stomach rumble, he cautiously opened the door to his room and went to find the kitchen. 

He descended the dark wooden curved staircase that looked expensive and walked down a hall, his bare feet slightly chilled by the marble. 

"I wonder where Jungkook is and what he's doing. He left without really telling me anything." Jimin sighed and talked out loud, his voice slightly echoing down the hall.

"Mr. Park. Or rather,  Master's guest and person he brought home. Master had left at 5, departing for his company headquarters. He will be back at home by 6 but if he works overtime, 8. Do you need him for anything? I can call ahead to him and arrange a ride." Jimin slightly jumped and turned around to face a taller male, almost six feet and with blonde hair.

"Oh! I was just wondering out loud, but it'll be nice to see him if he has a break sometime today. And I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." Jimin formally replied, not familiar with the man.

"Kim Namjoon at your service. Master's butler and in charge of the household temporarily till he finds a suitable person. And yes, today Master does have a break. He will be finished with most interviews as well as paperwork and other documents supposedly by 4 today. Shall I call ahead then?" Namjoon asked, reaching for his phone. 

(A/N: Okay I know Namjoon's the most unsuitable to manage household affairs with his clumsy nature, but he has a great mind!)

"Oh, alright. I'll go there then, at 4." Jimin acknowledged, nodding his head before excusing himself to find the  kitchen.

"Master? Mr. Park will be there at 4. Would you like that?" Namjoon called Jungkook.

"Yes. I'd like that very much. Very much." 

Then the line went dead.



This was more of a filler chapter, I decided to split it into two. And as you can see, the first part is sort of boring without much action. All the same, I hoped you liked it. Sorry for not updating for some time, I was updating my other stories.

As always,




And only if you want but I encourage if you liked it!

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