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Sometimes situations can only be solved by the truth and sometimes through forcing.

Jungkook returned with a tray full of food, the delicious aroma making Jimin's mouth water with delight.

"Wow, it looks so good. You made this?" Jimin put down his phone from texting his friend and fluttered with delight.

"Yeah." Jungkook couldn't help but be affected by Jimin's bright personality and inwardly smiled.

The corner of his lip twitching up, he set it in front of Jimin who dug right in. He was already finished with crumbs at the corners of his mouth when Jungkook caught sight of the chat with someone else.

"Jimin, who were you texting?" Jungkook felt the slightest bit jealous and possessive, who would never admit it in his lifetime wasn't thinking clearly.
"Just a friend? Then what do you mean by these hearts? He sent them back too!" Jungkook felt something pierce his heart, the last piece of rationality leave him.

Jimin was supposed to be his. His only. There is no way he'd let another man or girl, heck any human being come close to him and try to take him away from him.

"Jungkook, chill. We're just great friends." Jimin didn't get why Jungkook was worked up about a few heart emojis, they were just like brothers. But he thought it was hot.

"Just great friends? Then what are we? Hmmm? Because I'm pretty sure this will change it." Jungkook leaned in and kissed Jimin, wiping away the crumbs.

Jimin, surprised widened his eyes. Jungkook's lips were exactly as good as he thought, but even better. They were soft and smooth, and moist, the perfect combo. Jimin has gotta admit that Jungkook's kissing skills were perfect, rough and sweet but gentle at the same time. Then his rationality kicked in. There was no way Jungkook would think of him like that, it was the spur of the moment, just being overprotective like a brother.

But Jimin still responded to the kiss, tears cascading down his cheeks at those thoughts. Please let it be wrong, Jimin prayed. With that, he relaxed in Jungkook's arms and let him kiss the life out of him.

Jungkook finally pulled away, on top of Jimin with his legs caging Jimin's pair in between. A thin line of saliva connected them from all the tongue Jungkook had put in. Seeing Jimin's tears that hadn't dried, he wiped them away with his thumbs and creased his forehead in worry.

"Jimin, why are you crying?" Jungkook asked, pecking his nose before pulling away to look fully at Jimin.

"I-im just afraid you don't like me. That is was just the spur of the moment." Jimin spilled, crying harder.

"Jiminie..." Jungkook pulled a sniffling Jimin closer and rested his chin on Jimin's hair.

"It wasn't. I truly like you." Jungkook caressed Jimin's hair before planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Really?" Jimin looked at Jungkook with shining and watery eyes, a sight that made Jungkook fall apart. 

"Since the first day."

They melted with each other, tears of affection and love. No one could feel happier then them right then.


"Alright. You are doing all the planning and thinking. I'm the one who executes it, understand? You have a knack to break things." Yoongi said, dividing the parts up between them.

"But couldn't you help me with the strategies and plans?" Namjoon asked, earning a smack from Yoongi on the head.

"No. You have an IQ of 148. Dumbo." Yoongi counterattacked, Namjoon nodding his head in understanding.

"Hey! Your words are contradictory. I have an IQ of 148 but then you said dumbo. The terms clash." Namjoon pointed out, earning another smack.

"That's not the point. Just hurry up and rescue my mother will you?" Yoongi impatiently replied, the other day's memories resurfacing.

"Well, i-if you really want to know. He has my mother captive. And threatened me with your life. It's your half brother, Namjoon."

Namjoon froze, this was something he hadn't known. All he knew--thought was that Yoongi was an orphan, either his parent abandoned him or that they were no longer on Earth. This complicated things further. If they were to make a move, Yoongi's mother would be in danger. She already was.

They would have to rescue her before anything was done. But how? And what did he mean by  that his master had Namjoon's life in his hands? Was he being followed or something?

That means that they would have to save Yoongi's mother first..

And try not to get killed in the process.




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