Failed Task

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Sometimes, even the most golden or beautiful palace is like a cage. Jimin wants to spread his wings and fly. 

Jimin had nothing to do, a full length long seven hours ahead of him before the meeting. He had just finished eating breakfast, somehow managing to locate the kitchen in the 10,000 square feet home. Fishing out his phone out of his old clothes, he passed his time on it, playing games and watching videos.

Encountering Namjoon exploring the house, he suddenly thought of an idea.

"Namjoon. Am I able to go out?" Jimin eagerly waited for an answer, already bored out of his mind in the house. 

He had wracked his head on what do and couldn't think of anything. Not until Namjoon came did he think of going out. 

"Well Master didn't say anything about I think you may. And here. Money." Jimin gratefully received the twenties Namjoon gave him, knowing he only had a few bills in his jean's pocket. 

"Just be careful alright? I don't want master to make a fuss about you going missing or injured." Namjoon cautioned before Jimin left who vigorously nodded his head. 

Putting on his shoes, he headed out. 

"Boss? Should I send Yoongi after him?" Namjoon called, taking safety to be safe.

"Have him follow him discreetly." Then the call ended and Namjoon sighed in relief that Jimin was indeed allowed to go out.

Calling up Yoongi, his usual grumpy voice answering the call.

"What?" Namjoon just smiled and replied.

"Boss wants you to follow Mr. Park. Discreetly."

"It's always 'Boss want you do to this' or 'follow this person' when you call me. Can't you call for something else?" Yoongi complained, taking one last rest on the couch before getting up and going out.

"Well I'm sorry. I don't think there is anything to talk about with an ice block of a man." Namjoon sarcastically replied, holding back giggles as Yoongi raged about how he 'wasn't an ice cube.' 

"Don't hang up okay? I'm bored as fuck trailing Master's precious." Yoongi asked, not wanting the last of his company to disappear. 

And for some reason, he just liked to be near, or at least here his voice. He figured it was just affection, as they have been friends for ten years when both of them were taken under Master's wings. 

"Fine. But I know you like my company." Namjoon smugly replied, Yoongi on the other side blushing a bit.

"I don't."

"Yes you do."



"Oh shoot...I think I lost sight of him." Yoongi whispered, feeling dread take over his heart. 

"What?! Master'll kill you when you get back. You better find him, deliver him safely home after he's finished." Namjoon couldn't deny the seed of fear taking place in his heart for Yoongi and well, it was also his fault. Distracting Yoongi on the phone from work. He'd have both of their heads. 

"I seriously can't find him. It's as if he disappeared. As if he isn't even near us, or in the mall." Yoongi sat down on a bench, trying to regulate his breathing after running all around the mall at his highest speed possible, 50 miles per hour. 

"What? It's unusual that he managed to get lost from you, your eyes are that sharp you know. And if you couldn't find him in the mall, that's even more unusual. You've only been trailing him for a few minutes in the mall. Hold on. I'm coming over." Namjoon grabbed his keys and wallet in case and ran to his car, speeding to the mall. 

"I need to end this call to tell Master. I'll call you after." Namjoon said, ending the call and calling Jungkook.

"Master. It's Mr. Park. We lost sight of him. I'm going over to help Yoongi." It only these sentences that caused Jungkook to go on the edge, barely controlling his tone.

"Incompetent. You better find him before this day ends or I promise severe punishment. And even so, you two deserve punishment. If you can't find him, well. I think you know what I mean." The call ended on a cold and severe note this time. 

Sweating, Namjoon drove faster, already exceeding the speed limit which he never does. 

"Where are you?" Namjoon surveyed the mall, big and dominant. 

"The fountain." Without further ado, Namjoon raced to the fountain, his athletic training and abilities coming in handy. 

Panting, he reached the fountain and looked for Yoongi. There he was, head down, fidgeting with the zipper of his biker jacket and slightly leaning against the fountain. He looked small, way too dwarfed by the fountain and his back was slightly hunched, not a good sign. 

"Yoon!" Namjoon called out, remembering the times when he used to cal Yoongi that during their childhood and how Yoongi looked small and cute and how he blushed whenever the nickname was used. 

Yoongi turned, surprised at the sudden use of the nickname. Seeing Namjoon's running figure to him, his hard facade started to crumble. And soon, Yoongi felt himself run to meet Namjoon, hugging him and snuggling in the warmth. 

"Shhhh. It'll be okay. We'll find him." Namjoon comforted, leading him to sit at a bench near the fountain.





For those who don't know my writing style, it's freestyle/freeform. What I mean by that is that I usually don't plan my stories, just get a vague idea of the plot and jump right in, go with the flow. It is bad sometimes because the plot line might not match in some parts and may be confusing. 

So for this chapter, I was originally going to a more focused on Jimin and then the appointment but it turned more into Namjoon's and Yoongi's chapter.

Please note that I might say it'll be like this but if it isn't it's because I got a different idea along the way when I was writing or decided the original wasn't as good for future reference/chapters.

Thank you!





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