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Never do impulsive things...always think with a calm head and you will succeed. 

Hoseok panicked. What was Jungkook going to do to him now? Scrunching up his face with a sour look, he fumbled around Jimin, freeing him from his seatbelt and lifting him out of the car.

"Well fuck." Hoseok whispered, his eyes gravitating to the trickle of red running down the temple of Jimin's head as he urged his legs faster past the entrance of the building.

"Come on, come on!" Hoseok muttered, pushing the elevator button with repeated jabs as his eyes continued to stare fearfully at the wound.

Dashing inside the elevator, Hoseok watched the green lights flash numbers indicating the floor,

3. Jungkook's wrath was going to be higher than the sky. 

2. Time seemed to slow down, as if a second were an hour.

1. Jimin was still bleeding. 

G. No time to think, just run.

The red haired immediately ran out the elevator, cloaked in darkness. The tunnel back to Jungkook's residence seemed like forever, dark and unyielding with no perception of time. Hoseok's lungs burned as he struggled to maintain his pace with an added weight, sweat running down his neck and back, glistening on his forehead. 

He felt as if he had just ran across the world when a slim line of light appeared through under the door. Sliding his ID in the reader, the doors slowly but surely opened, exposing the basement of the house.

"Sir! Jimin's..." Hoseok panted as soon as the doors opened enough for him to enter through, squinting his eyes to adjust from the sudden darkness to the sudden light.

"What happened to him?!" Jungkook demanded, eyes wandering to the fragile body in Hoseok's hands, snatching him away from the bright red head.

Hoseok fell to his knees, biting his lips so hard that the pink flesh started to leak red. Feeling tears rise and bile up his throat, Hoseok let out a wet hiccup, quickly pressing the sleeve of his clothes to his eyes to stop the waterfall of tears breaking out. He was too cocky, too assured of himself. He had messed up. 

Hearing Jungkook's own sobs made him feel worse, a curling sensation of something cold and unwelcome spreading through his gut as Hoseok shrunk into himself with regret. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Hoseok heard Jungkook mutter an unmistakable 'leave' through a thick layer and hiccups. 

Jungkook was pacing anxiously, waiting for the second that Jimin would run into his open arms happily and safe. Just when he finally let out a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the door opening, his smile turned into a frown. 

"What happened to him?!" Jungkook demanded, legs breaking out into a run as he took the small body from Hoseok's arms and setting him on the couch in the basement, kneeling by the peaceful figure. 

"I-I, I'm so sorry, Mr. Jeon. It was all my fault..." Hoseok hiccuped, trying to keep the tears at bay but failing as they dripped down his cheeks and on his shirt and pants. 

"I'm glad you know!" Jungkook half shouted, half cried, laying his head on Jimin's chest, "Well? Go call a doctor and send him to my bedroom!" His voice broke, raising into hysteria at the end, cradling the beautiful face he would never stop loving, the one that would never be replaced if he died. 

Shakily yet gingerly hoisting him bridal style in the arms he didn't trust wouldn't give out right away, Jungkook swallowed before ascending the stairs and closing the basement door behind him, Hoseok far ahead of him on his errand. 

Jikook: Childhood FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now