Chapter III

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Draco's POV

it's a few months later, August, and I am one again about to get beat. Father rushed up the stairs and into my room, he was wielding a whip and knife.

He started yelling g commands at me. Take off your shirt! Lay on the bed! I did as gd said not wanting it to be worse. "Count as I hit you! If you lose track we start over!" He said to me, it started, "one! Two! Three-ow, four!" I kept counting. At this point I was crying.

When he finished with the whip he got his knife and drug it across my back from my left shoulder, to my right hip,blood started to drip from the big cut. I got kicked around a little more and punched. When my father decided he was done he went downstairs. I keyed in my bed crying, it hurt to move and think about. Nobody loved me. No one.

-TIME SKIP 3 weeks-

It is about time to go get my stuff for Hogwarts, I was wearing an outfit like this

I put in my snake bites, put In an emerald colored belly button stud and put in my ear piercings

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I put in my snake bites, put In an emerald colored belly button stud and put in my ear piercings. I slipped on my shoes and went down stairs.

When I got downstairs mother gave me a kiss on my head and sent me and my father out to get the stuff I needed.

We got to diagon alley by apparating. I walked into a few stores and got my books and robes and anything else I would need. Halfway through getting my stuff we bumped into into the Weasleys and guess who? Harry Potter!

"Hey Malfoy, bully any random kids yet? Or maybe your parents into buying you the latest broom?" The weasel said. "For your information, I have done neither of those. Thank you very much." I said. I walked away and found father. "Did you get what you needed?" He asked. "Yes" I said quietly.

We apparated home and mother had made lunch. We all sat down at the table. For lunch was grilled cheese, salad and tomato soup. I picked at my food and ate a few pieces of salad. When we all finished I went upstairs.

I went into my bathroom and stuck two fingers down my throat and threw up anything I ate. I did this a second time to make sure and then washed my mouth out and brushed my teeth. I sat on my bed and thought about how fat I am. I stood up and went over to look in the mirror. I looked at myself from the front and saw my stomach, it was so round and gross. My arms and legs are to big and my face is fat. I looked from the side and it was worse. Everything look 5 times worse than the front. I looked like a pregnant lady.

I stepped away from the mirror and went to go find my scale. I found it under the sink. I put it on the floor and stepped on it. This muffle contraption has helped me with losing weight. The numbers read 91.06. I felt tears sting my eyes. Ew, I'm so disgusting. I hate myself so much. I've only lost 5 pounds this week. The tears started to fall and I kneeled in front of the toilet. I emptied anything that could come out of my stomach until I was dry heaving. I brushed my teeth again and went to go lay on my bed. I eventually fell asleep even though it was only 3 pm.

Harry's POV

Me and the Weasleys went to Diagon Alley. We ran into Draco Malfoy. He looked cute in his black skinny jeans and black shirt with his lip pierced. He looked to skinny though. Way too skinny. His cheeks were hollowed out and his eyes were sunken in. His hair didn't look as bright and his eyes looked like they were calling for help.

When we got back from Diagon Alley we ate lunch. We had chicken and salad. For dessert we had cake. We all talked about what we were gonna take for classes. Hermione was taking a little too many classes as usual and me and Ron were just doing the basic Potions, Astronomy, Division, DADA and whatever else.

We finished lunch and me, Ron and Hermione Went upstairs to talk. We talked about what we wanted to do for our future. Me and Ron said be Aurors but I wasn't quite sure on that. I didn't really know what I wanted to do. "So Harry, has anyone caught your eye?" Hermione asked, smirking. I blushed and said "not anyone in particular." She had a knowing look in her face but didn't ask anything else.

Ron and Hermione would hate me if they knew I liked Draco Malfoy. He hates me anyways, but his blond hair and gray eyes with specks if blue were so cute. He was shorter than me and was the perfect height to kiss. Like that would ever happen though. At Diagon Alley he seemed different, he didn't have the usual bite in his voice. In fact he was much quieter than usual. He was wearing long sleeves and pants in summer and even though he looked hot in The outfit, it was still odd. He was much skinnier since last time I saw him and he had some bruises on his face.

"Harry!" I heard someone shout. "What?" I said. "I've been saying your name for the last 5 minutes and you wouldn't answer. Is something wrong?" Hermione asked, worried. "I'm fine Hermione, trust me." I said. She gave me a worried glance but didn't mention anything. " anyways like I was trying to tell you is that Ron wanted to go in the game room and play something, are you gonna stay here or some with us?" Hermione asked. I said "I will stay here, I may take a nap I'm quite tired." Hermione gave me a small smile and nod and went to the game room with Ron. I went up to my bed and lates there. Thinking about how odd Draco Malfoy was Acting. I looked at the time and it was 3 pm. I stared at the ceiling before I fell into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of Draco and my best friends.


I kissed his neck and moved lower, I sucked on a certain spot that made him squirm under me, his blond hair laying on the pillow sprawled out. I left a purple mark and continued down. I took of his shirt and sucked on his nipple. He moaned softly. I moved down and took off his pants. I discarded them across the room. I rubbed him over his boxers and—

I woke up from Ron barging in the room. He told me dinner was ready and left. I looked down and saw I was hard. I groaned and went to go fix this "problematic problem" that I get almost every time I have a dream like that. After I fixed that I went down to have dinner.
And then went back to sleep ending that same dream.

Thank you for reading my story. I haven't updated in like a week because I've been having a serious writers block. Leave suggestions in the comments and have a wonderful day. Remember to check out my best friend Chickenlxver , she is writing an awesome story right now.
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