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Draco's POV

Me and Harry got into his room where we would be staying for a little bit. It was shared with 3 other people. The teachers said if we needed to we could get a private room though. Harry opened his bag and went to a dresser type thing and started to put his things away, I went over to him and grabbed my stuff and started to do the same.

Eventually we got everything put away, it didn't take very long. We went back down to the common room and Harry sat next to Ron and Hermione. I sat next to him, but I plopped down to hard. I yelped in pain and grabbed Harry's arm and buried my head in his chest, tears sprung into my eyes for a few seconds. That fucking hurt. Like holy crap thatspainful.

Harry started laughing. He was laughing so hard he could barely breathe. I sat up and glared at him. I whacked him in his arm "it's not funny! That hurt!" I said to him. Hermione and Ron were confused. Well Hermione kinda had a knowing look on her face but still looked slightly confused. Ron was just flat out confused. Harry's laughter started to calm down. "I'm sorry." He apologized still laughing a little bit.

"You should be." I said pouting. "Aw, come here." Harry said holding his hands out. I looked at him before climbing into his lap facing him and burying my face in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me. I lifted my head and turned it so I could see Ron and Hermione and layed it back down. Ron had a smile on his face and so did Hermione. "You guys are cute together." Hermione said. Ron nodded in agreement. "What happened though?" Ron asked. I blushed and turned my face back into Harry's shoulder. "Um... Draco just fell on the couch wrong and it hurt." Harry lied, well sorta. "But the couch is really soft though how did he manage?" Ron asked still oblivious.

Hermione facepalmed. She figured it out.     Kinda embarrassing but whatever. "Hermione you know what happened what is it?!" Ron exclaimed. "Well Ron it's something between Draco and Harry that's not really information they want shared I don't think." Hermione explained. I shook my head, I definitely don't want that shared. Ron stared at Harry and me for a second trying to figure it out.

He started off in space for like 3 minutes before his face went slightly horrified and he looked at Harry. We all started laughing at Rons face. "Wait- did you guys... is that why-" he wasn't quite making sentences. It made us laugh harder. We started to calm down and Ron still looked horrified but we weren't actually sure if Ron had guessed or not. "Ron what do you think happened?" Hermione asked him. "They did the um yeah." He said awkwardly before making a hole with one of his hands and sticking a finger in it with the other.

"Yes Ron, we did." Harry confirmed. "Harry!" I looked at him like he was crazy. Why did he confirm that? "Hey it's okay they aren't gonna judge, I mean Ron May be kinda scarred for life but he'll get over it." Harry said.  I looked at Ron and Hermione and gave a small smile. Hermione smiled back. Ron looked like he was contemplating jumping off a bridge. Like you wish you could. It's that voice again! You thought you could get rid of me it's not as easy as you think.

My breathing quickened and I tightened my grip on Harry. Harry can't save you all the time he will give up soon. You thought it was over and you were fine but you'll never be fine and I'll never be gone. "STOP!" I screamed. I just wanted it gone! Everyone jumped. Harry sat me up normally and looked at me. Tears were pouring down my cheeks. "HARRY IT WONT GO AWAY!" I cried out. Harry gathered me back up in his arms. And hugged me.  I felt him lift me up and go up some stairs. I was sobbing.

Harry sat down, I didn't know where we went I couldn't see. I dug my nails in my arms that has the not quite healed yet wound. I sobbed. Harry pulled my hand away from my arms. "What happened Draco?" Harry asked, I couldn't speak through my sobs. You don't matter, you don't matter, you don't matter, you don't matter, KILL YOURSELF!

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