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I'm not putting any trigger warnings anymore.

Draco's POV

I walked up to the closet that the boggart was in, I heard some rustling around and out came in my father, oh no.

"You disgrace of a son, I can't even call you my son with how fucking fat and ugly you are. You should have never born you mistake! I should have killed you when I had the chance!" He yelled, everyone in the classroom was big eyed and looked shocked.

I was about to cry but with my master skills of hiding emotion I didn't. I was panicking though, I looked at our teacher, Lupin, and he was staring at the boggart. My eyes started to fill up with tears. I started to panic more, nobody could see me cry, they would think I'm weak.

I was someone rush in front of me but it was all blurry because of the tears in my eyes. I heard they yell "riddikulus" and that was when I feel down and hugged my knees to my chest and tears started to stream down my face, my face was hidden though so no one could see. I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

I could smell who it was and it was Harry, I cried into his shirt and he rubbed my back. Everyone knew my secret now and they were gonna make rumors and make fun of me, Draco Malfoy scared of his own father! Can you imagine that, I would be more of the laughing stock that I already am.

At this thought I started to cry some more, I felt like throwing up, I quickly got up and started to run to the bathroom I bent over the toilet and started to dry heave, I had nothing nothing to throw up as I hadn't eaten anything. I heard someone coming into the bathroom and by the way the shoes sounded I could tell it was Harry.

I was stuck panicking and I slid down the stall door and cried. Harry unlocked the door and gathered me in his arms, I was sobbing. "Hey it's okay, your okay, I'm here now." He whispered softly, but I didn't believe I was okay, I sobbed louder and louder until I was hyperventilating. I turned around and threw up whatever fluids I had in my body, I was about to pass out. My vision was going blurry and I could feel myself being lifted off the ground.

Then everything went black...

*time skip*

I woke up on a bed with red sheets, this wasn't my bed, I looked around and saw Harry talking to what looked like his dorm mates, I think it was Dean Thomas, Ron and Seamus Finnigan. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, my head was pounding and I could feel my pants rubbing against my cuts I winced and Harry noticed me up, he walked over to me and put his hand on my forehead.

"Your feeling quite warm, are you feeling okay?" He asked worried. "Yeah I'm okay, my head hurts a little though." I said softly. I looked back over to the group of boys in the middle of the room and looked at Harry questioningly. He pulled me into the bathroom, and started to explain what happened.

"So basically in he bathroom you passed and I had to carry you to my dorm into my bedroom which is shared by Seamus, Dean and Ron and they just so happened to be in the dorm at the time. Ron was the only one who knows what happened at DADA, so when Seamus asked I had to sorta explain what happened I the class. I told them that your fear came out of the closet and you sorta panicked so then class ended and I brought you back here."

"Okay, so basically they don't know what my fear was but they know I panicked?" I asked to clarify. "Yes, would you like some painkillers for your head?" He asked me. "Yes please, also can you get out so I can go to the bathroom?" I asked feeling like I needed to cut because I had just revealed my whole secret to 40 people probably. "Here." He said handing me two painkillers and a bottle of water.

I took it gratefully and he walked out of the room. I looked around quietly trying to find a blade or something sharp to cut myself. I was getting a little aggravated when I found a razor, I found my wand in my pocket and broke it, I took the blade and started to cut inched into my stomach.

It started to bleed a lot and I spelled the razor to fix itself and spell bandaged my stomach, I flushed the toilet for the effect that I went to the bathroom and washed my hands, I looked at myself to make sure there were no traces of blood and walked out the bathroom.

I looked around the room and only saw Seamus, I waved at him and he waved back. "Do you know where Harry is?" I asked softly. "Yeah he's in the common room, no ones down there so you should be fine to go down" he explained. I gave him a small thank you and walked Down to the Gryffindor common room.

I saw Harry and Ron talking on the sofa and Dean reading a book in the chair. I walked over to Harry and he smiled and told me to sit down next to him. I smiled softly at him and sat next to him. I leaned on his shoulder and he gave me a kiss on my forehead and I smiled.

*time skip*

It was 8 pm and Harry insisted I stay in him bed for the night, something about wanting me to stay safe and we could hang out tonight, I agreed of course and we layed in his bed.

"Today's been crazy, are you okay after it?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. I rolled over and layed on my stomach on Harry. I put my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat.

I fell asleep to the steady beat of his heart

Thump, thump, thump, thump..


I woke up to me laying on my bed at the Malfoy manor. I heard someone coming up the stairs. I looked around and then I saw my door open, "YOU DISGRACE, YOU SHOULD'NT EXIST! THE ONLY REASON YOU EXIST IS BECAUSE I NEEDED AN HEIR TO THIS FAMILY! I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!" I didn't even do anything except exist, I everyone wants me to die, everyone hates me, even my own parents, my friends don't care, I'm fat and ugly I can't even get good grades. My father slapped me across my face and dragged me off the bed onto the floor and started kicking me. I was coughing up blood and there were bruises all over me, all I could think about was the sound of my heart beat before I passed out.

Thump, Thump, Thump, thump..

So that was chapter 9, I haven't updated in a while so I figured I would throw a quick chapter at you. Quick but eventful, I probably won't be putting trigger warnings anymore because there's so many triggers in this story and if it triggers you you shouldn't continue to read it. Thank you for reading, comment suggestions and things I could add. Vote please!

1283 words.

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