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We all let go of each other except for Harry, he continued to hold my hand. We walked down to the Weasleys house and got ready to go inside. I couldn't help but feel nervous because who knows if they were gonna accept me? We stood in front of the door and Mrs. Weasley put his hand in the knob. I hope this goes well, I really do.

Draco's POV

We opened the door and the first thing I was was a table. A table with 2 people sitting at it. I was kind of behind everyone so I don't think they saw me. "Fred! George! Get your feet off the table people eat there!" Mrs. Weasley scolded. They took their feet off the table and both said "sorry mum!"

Everyone walked inside and I was trying my best to hide a little. Harry had a hold of my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. Everyone had moved so it was Harry and me standing in plain sight. "Hello, Harry! Is that-" Fred, (or is it George?) Started to say. "Draco Malfoy?" George, or Fred, finished. "Uh..yes. This is Draco Malfoy, he is my boyfriend. He is going to be spending Christmas break here. I hope you guys can get along and accept him." Harry said.

They studied me for a second. I squirmed under their gazes. "Well if Harry trusts you then I guess we can too." Fred- or George- said.  I gave a small smile and look at Harry. He smiled down at me. "Well we should show you around the house and have you meet everyone else, which is really just Bill, but you still have to meet him. He's actually pretty cool." Harry said.

"Am I really? Who am I meeting anyways?" A voice behind us said. I and Harry turned around. It was from Bill. "Bill! It's good to see you!" Harry exclaimed. Bill walked closer to us and gave Harry a smile and then looked at me. "Is this Draco Malfoy?" He asked eyeing me a bit cautiously. "Yes, it is. I, Ron, and Hermione became friends with him at the beginning of the school year and I am actually dating him now. Everyone has met him except for you so that's what we were just about to do before you appeared." Harry said.

Bill looked at Harry and then me before he gave me a smile. "Well, in that case, welcome to the family." He said. I couldn't help but smile. I was actually being accepted into a family. A family that loved and cared for you no matter what. I turned to Harry and gave him a big smile. He smiled back just as big. I felt warm inside. Love is a funny thing, it makes you feel weird, but in a good way.

"Come on, Molly is making dinner and they have this awesome game room they added and it has a pool table. I told Ron I would teach him and I can teach you too if you would like ." Harry said. I nodded and followed him as he walked up the stairs.

We got to the floor with the game room and walked in, it was just Ginny and Hermione in there. Hermione waved and patted the seat beside her, inviting us to sit. "Where's Ron?" Harry asked as he sat on the couch just a little bit away from her. "I think he's either in the bathroom or talking to the twins, he wandered off when we got in so I don't know where exactly he is now," Hermione explained.

I sat next to Harry and he put his arm around me. I cuddled closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. Ginny was quiet, she was just watching. I wondered if she was mad or just processing it all still. The door of the game room opened, Ron came in with the twins who were holding a bag. Ron sat next to me and the twins sat in the chairs by Ginny.

"So, we got these games in a muggle store, they all have weird names but they looked like fun. While we wait for dinner we can play them if you guys want." One of the twins said. Everyone made a sound of agreement. They started to get the games out the bag, they were right, they do have some weird names.

They chose one of them, it was called Monopoly they said, it looked hard. They started to set it up on the floor and motioned for all of us to come to sit. Everyone sat in a circle around it. Harry pulled me so I was sitting on his lap, he put his arms around me and put his chin on my head. The twins started dealing out the money and everybody chose a character. I chose a cat, it was the only one that didn't look weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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