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Draco's POV

It was the day we had to get on the train, I was kinda nervous about actually meeting the Weasleys. What if they couldn't forgive me for what I had done? What if they kicked me out of their house after seeing who I was? These questions kept running through my head on repeat. We had gone back to classes.

Of course I couldn't hang out with Harry, Hermione and Ron In front of people so I usually wouldn't see him for most the day until the evening. It was hard for the first few days because I was so used to him being right beside me but I eventually got used to it. A lot of people were questioning where I had went, they were just told it was family issues.

Most people had forgotten about the boggart thing and what it was about. A lot of people were actually accusing me of going to a death eater meeting. I didn't tell Harry about what they were saying. I had started to eat a little bit everyday and keep it down, it was still hard too though but I didn't want to disappoint Harry.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ron loudly entering the room. Hermione has been sitting on the chair across from me reading a book. Harry has yet to get back from his last class of the day before we had to leave. Once the last class had been let out we were all supposed to head down to start the journey to where we were celebrating Christmas.

Ron flopped down beside my and groaned loudly. Hermione peaked over her book with an eyebrow raised. "I hate Snape so much." He said. "Hey! That's my godfather you're talking about!" I jokingly exclaimed at him. He sat up quickly. "Is he really?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded.

"But I do have to agree he can be grumpy sometimes." I said. Ron made a gesture of agreement. He laid back down with his hand over his eyes. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ways and laid my head on the back of the sofa. Harry's class didn't get out for another 10 minutes. I sat there and waited for him to come through the portrait.

I sat there thinking about little things before the portrait opened. I looked up and saw Harry. He met my eye and smiled at me. He walked over and put his bag on the floor. He stood in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him too. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes before kissing me.

He pulled away again and said "I missed you." In my ear. "I missed you too, even though it's only been a few hours since I've seen you." I said to him. He stood properly. "We should probably start heading down so we make it in time." Harry said. We agreed. Harry, Ron and I started to go up to the dormitory's to grab our stuff, Hermione going the opposite way in the girls dormitory.

We grabbed our bags and went down to the common room to find Hermione already there. We all started to walk in silence, I couldn't help but notice the slight tension between Ron and Hermione. Unlike me and Harry, who were walking close to each other and holding hands, they weren't holding hands and they were kind of staying away from each other.

I looked at Harry to see if he saw this but he didn't seem to notice. Maybe Hermione and Ron got into a fight or something. Or maybe they had an awkward moment and are still feeling awkward about it? I don't know, it's none of my business though so I just decided not to ask. I just shrugged it off.

We had taken the back way so no one saw us hanging out but now that we were at our destination we were gonna have to split apart for just a bit. We said small goodbyes to each other and I got on a boat with Pansy and Blaise. I hadn't talked to them much recently. I knew they missed me, and if I'm quite honest, I've missed them too.

I sat down with them and Pansy wrapped me in a big hug. I hugged her back. "Draco! We haven't seen you in like a month!" She said and pulled back. "Sorry, I just- after you know what I was put with Harry to room so he could watch me. Maybe sometime over break we can hang out?" I said to them. They both nodded.

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