Chapter VI

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Harry's POV

The movie ended, it was a good movie. The movie was Matilda, about a girl who's parents basically neglect her. It was good but it was sad that someone would ever treat a kid like that. Draco fell asleep in my lap.

Ron and Hermione were talking about the movie. I kept playing with Draco's hair as I stared at him. He stirred and I though he was gonna wake up but he stayed asleep.

I joined in the conversation with Ron and Hermione. "It's disgusting how people treat there kids like that. Or anybody for that matter." Me and Ron agreed. I looked back down at Draco.

He stretched in his sleep, his sleeve was pushed back. I gasped quietly, "oh my god." Ron and Hermione looked over at me looking at what I was looking at.

On his arm were a bunch of cuts, I lifted his sleeve up a little more, Hermione gasped and covered her mouth. Ron was as confused as ever. "What happened?" Ron asked.

"He cuts. What could have happened that makes him do that?" Hermione said sadly. All of us were kinda panicking. "Harry, we need to check his other arm." Hermione said worried. I pulled back the sleeve of his other arm, it was worse, the cuts took up the whole arm showing nothing underneath. No pale skin or anything, just red angry marks.

Ron was still a little confused. "Why would he do that?" He asked. "Usually when someone cuts they do it for relief of something bad, sometimes they just can't feel anything and cutting is the only source of feeling they have. Soon they get addicted and it's hard to stop." Hermione said, her voice cracking a few times. Her eye were tearing up too.

"I can ask him about it tomorrow when he wakes up. This is really worrying." I said. I had a million thoughts racing through my mind. The biggest one was, why would he do that? I was scared for Draco. I didn't know what went on in that head of his. I pulled his sleeve down.

We all decided it was best that we go to sleep as it was getting late. Some beds popped up and we all got into our respectful beds. I had a hard time falling asleep and I kept tossing and turning, but I eventually got to sleep.

~the next day~

Still Harry's POV

I woke up and looked around Draco, Ron and Hermione were still sleeping. I decided to go make something to eat. I found some pancake mix and mixed it. I turned the stove on and put the pan on the burner, I poured the mix and made some pancakes. I felt someone walk up beside me, I looked over and it was Draco "Hey, good morning" I said to him. He yawned and said "morning" I finished the pancakes a put them on a plate and grabbed the syrup. "Do you want any pancakes?" I asked Draco. "No, I'm not hungry."

I frowned, he was so skinny. I let it go, I wasn't gonna force him to eat. I sat down on the couch and Draco sat next to me. I ate my food quickly and went to the kitchen to put my plate in the sink. I was gonna ask him about his scars.

I sat down next to him. "Draco." I said to him. He hummed in response. "Let me see your arms." I said sternly but gently. His eyes widened "why?" He asked me, "just let me see them." I said gently. "No!" He yelled. "Draco, I know what's on them." I gently told him. He started to cry. I put my arms around him and he flinched.

I hugged him. He sobbed into my shirt for a while. When he finally stopped I pulled back. "Can I see?" I asked patiently. He pulled his sleeve back and I took his arm gently looking it over. Some scars were old and some were new. It looked terrible. I leaned down and kissed his arm. He jerked in surprise, but calmed down. I kissed all his scars. I don't know how many there are but after I did that I pulled him into a hug again.

We sat there for a while before I leaned back with him on top of me. I played with his hair. "Why do you cut, Draco?" I asked him. He was silent for a few minutes before he answered. "I just.. feel sad and.. unwanted at times. Like I don't matter, or that..I'm not supposed to be here. Sometimes I wonder if anybody really loves me." He explained.

"You not unwanted. You matter a lot to me and Hermione and even Ron, we would all be torn if you weren't here. We all love you so much, as a friend of course, and I even know someone that likes you." I said back to him. He looked up at me as if questioning me. "I'm not gonna tell you but I will tell you that it is a boy so you probably won't like them back." I said. He giggled. Giggled. "I have my eyes set on someone. And they are a guy. At least I'm pretty sure but if they aren't then they are hiding it pretty well." He said quietly.

"Your gay?" I asked him. He nodded. "That's cool, well since I know your not against gay people, I'm bisexual, I've only told Ron and Hermione though." I explained. "Draco when was last time you cut?" I asked gently. He was silent. "It was yesterday." He said quietly. "Right before you got there" i frowned. "Did you clean it?" I asked worried.

"No, I didn't" He said. "We need to clean it then, I don't want it to get infected." I said to him. I gently got up, I still had him in my arms. We walked into the bathroom and I pulled out the first aid kit from the cabinet. He sat on the toilet while I got out what I needed. I grabbed out an alcoholic wipe and a gauze roll. Along with an antiseptic cream. "How did you find out about this?" He asked me. "After the movie ended, you moved and your arm sleeve moved and I saw it. Hermione and Ron saw too. They won't tell anyone or make a big deal, they understand a lot." I explained.

"Pull back your sleeve, please." He pulled it back and I saw the mares arm, I started to clean it with the alcohol pad. "So Ron and Hermione know?" He asked me. "Yes." I answered. He hissed at the pain of the alcohol touching the cuts. I finished up with that and started to put the cream on it. I heard footsteps coming toward the bathroom. I look over to see who it was. It was Hermione.

"Morning Hermione." I said to her. She looked at what I was doing but didn't say anything. I knew she was worried though. "Morning guys." I took the gauze roll and started to wrap Draco's arm up. I finished doing that by holding it there with medical tape.

Hermione just watched what happened. I pulled Draco's sleeve down and he got off the toilet. We all walked into the living room, well Hermione went into the kitchen to find food, the pancakes were still warm so she started to make a plate of that. "How long?" I asked Draco. "Three years." He said. I frowned at him.

He nodded at me as if confirming it was true. Three whole years, that would mean he was 13. I always wondered why he never showed his arms but I just thought it was some sort of pure blood thing. That explained a lot.

I just hoped that we could all help Draco. I knew it was gonna be rough and take a while, but we will try our hardest. Even if it takes a long time.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. As always leave suggestions in the comments and check out my best friend Chickenlxver s story. Thanks again!!

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