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Draco's POV

As I made my way up from the Dungeons I couldn't help but think I was bothering Harry. I really needed to find another way to cut and hide it. I was almost to the Gryffindor common rooms when I came up with the idea of cutting my hips or anywhere that you can hide with clothes without looking weird. I smiled to myself. I was at the Gryffindor portrait and told the fat lady that I was here to see Harry.

She went and got him for me. He opened the common room door and brought me in  and up to his bed. We sat on his bed. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. I tried to smile back but I couldn't.

"Draco, what happened?" He asked me quietly. "I-I had a memory of my father. He was hurting m-me. I'm sorry for bothering you." I felt like crying but I couldn't. I just wanted a blade and to be alone. Harry looked at me and hugged me. He hugged me tight. He made me feel like I had hope.

He let go and looked at me again. "Don't listen to anything your father says. He doesn't matter. He's a cold hearted bastard who only thinks about himself. I love you, your mom loves you. Hermione and Ron love you as friends. We all care about you. Draco I love you so much words can't even describe it. Please don't hurt yourself over that fucker. He can eat a bag of dicks." Harry said, we both giggled about the last part.

"Thank you Harry I love you too. You make me feel happy." I told him honestly. I yawned and then he yawned. "I'm tired, I should get back to the common rooms so people don't suspect anything." I said. He frowned. "I don't want you to leave. But okay.. try not to hurt yourself, I love you" I smiled at him and got up. I left the cloak on the bed and started to go back to the dungeons.

Trigger Warning

While I was making my way down my mind started to go into dark places. The place where the voices are. No one loves you. You're a failure and should die. You're fat. Eat anymore and you're gonna break your bed. I ran into the common room and into my bedroom and looked through my drawer. I pulled out my blade and walked into the bathroom. I pulled my pants down and pressed it against my hip. I pressed harder and harder and dragged. It started to pour blood.

I did it 6 more times and tried to stop the bleeding. Once I got it to stop I pulled my pants back up and cleaned the blood off my blade and the floor. I put the Knife into my pocket and walked out the bathroom. I looked at the time and saw I had to get up in an hour. I thought there was no point in going back to bed so I lied down and stared at the ceiling wishing I was dead.

You don't matter to Harry, Ron, Hermione or your mom. They just say that so when you kill yourself they aren't the monster. I felt numb. I couldn't even bring myself to grab my blade again and cut. Or even bring myself to throw up. Harry thinks I have a fast metabolism and that's why I weigh 90 pounds. At least he doesn't worry about that. My alarm went off and I forced myself to get up. I put in a pair of black jeans and a black sweater. I gelled my hair and put concealer on. I looked at myself and smirked.

You could barely tell anything was wrong. I walked out the common room and to the great hall. I was early like always and I took a seat knowing that my "friends" would be here soon.

Time skip because I'm lazy and don't know what to write, seriously I need help.

After Breakfast I walked to the bathroom to throw up the few bites of sausage I ate. I stuck two fingers down my throat and threw up. I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom and into DADA. I looked at the board and saw we were doing boggarts, great time to reveal my fear which is my father. I started to panic. I slowly breathed to try not to have a panic attack.

The teacher walked in and greeted us. "If you haven't read the board already we are dealing with boggarts today. Can anyone tell me what boggarts do?"  Hermione raised her hand and the teacher called on her. "A boggart shows the true fear of whoever is standing in front of it."
"Very good Ms. Granger!"The teacher exclaimed. Honestly teachers seem so surprised that people know things. It's annoying.

"Everyone get in a line and don't push to be in the back!" The teacher said. I got up and felt the fabric of my pants rub against the cuts on my hips and I winced. I looked up and say Harry staring at me questioningly. I just shrugged. We got into line and the line slowly got smaller. It was Ron, who was scared of spiders. Then Hermione who was scared of failing, Harry was scared of Fear and everyone else didn't matter.

I stepped up to the boggarts closet and stood there waiting..

To be Continued.

This ones short but I promised my best friend Chickenlxver that I'd write her one. Leave suggestions in the comments. Thanks for reading!

944 words

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