I woke, still in Fury's arms. He was asleep, snoring softly. I moved slowly, looking at my surroundings. It was sunny out and I could hear cars driving on the freeway.
I rested my head back on Fury's chest. Fury soon woke up and moaned softly. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead.
"Morning," I murmured.
"Good morning," Fury answered. "Did you sleep well?"
I yawned. "Yeah. You're really comfortable."
Fury ran his fingers through my hair. "I wouldn't say the same. All of my body is asleep."
I started to get up and was about to apologize when I accidentally kneed Fury in the dick. He groaned and I almost fell over laughing. He soon joined, still clutching his privates.
I remembered my camera and dug it out of my bag. I lifted it to my face and snapped a picture of Fury, his face still contorted in slight pain.
When Fury realized what I did, he sat up quickly. "You better trash that!"
"No!" I shot back. "Never!"
We fought over the Polaroid before Fury grabbed the back of my neck. He kissed me, gripping my sides. I breathed in through my nose as I wrapped my arms around his neck, the picture still between my fingers.
It was slow and I enjoyed it. I could barely breathe as things went on. We slowly pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. Fury lifted a hand to brush some hair out of my face.
Fury smiled a little, whispering, "I might be in love with you." He smiled a little. "I'm waiting until I'm sure though. I don't want to scare you off."
I smiled. "Don't worry. I won't run off quite yet, boo."
Fury grabbed my arm and took my polaroid. "I'm going to throw this away, just so you know."
I took it back. "No, you aren't. Not under my watch."
Fury pulled away. "We need to go. Get dressed. I'll be in the bathroom."
Fury got out and I got changed in the car. I went into the bathroom to brush my hair. Once I was done, I joined Fury by the car. He was dressed and cleaned up.
I stepped in front of Fury, sliding my hands under my shirt. "Ready to go?"
Fury's hands gripped my forearms. "I am. Wanna drive?"
I smiled. "Yes, I do. Are you going to let me?"
Fury handed me to keys. I got in the driver's seat and drove off. I sang along to the songs and talked with Fury. We got to know each other better pretty well.
All too soon, we arrived back to the base. We checked in with Kenny before we were dismissed. I went into my room to unpack my stuff and chill out for a while.
I flopped onto my bed so I could stare at the roof. I rested my hands on my chest and breathed in. I was there for a questionable amount of time, letting my brain wonder when a knock came at the door.
I sat up. "Yes?"
Fury stepped in. "Are you ready for that date?"
I looked around my room. "Yeah. I'll be out in a second."
Fury nodded and left. I grabbed a jacket and my wallet before leaving. I joined Fury and we got to the car. When we drove off, I shifted forward.
"We've been spending a lot of time in the car," I said. "Any reason as to why?"
Fury shook his head, frowning. "I can't think of a reason. Do you have any ideas?"
I smiled and shook my head. "Where are we going?"

Killer Queen (Nick Fury/Avengers)
FanfictionTessa Miyamoto is an assassin who works for the US government. She's great at what she does and she's done it for years. Tessa is one of the top ones and is friends with very few people. One day Tessa meets Nick Fury, an FBI agent. Tessa is paired w...