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"Babygirl I want you to help me with my next book," Seth smiles sitting next to Sasha on the couch. She squinted her eyes in confusion as Seth placed her in his lap, "I want the main character to be blind therefore you're the perfect person to help me," he explains.

"Ok...what would you like me to do?" She asks still unsure if she'd actually be any help to his book or if he was just doing this to make her feel better.

"I have a few questions for you but we won't get into that right now because I have a meeting in," he looked down at his watch before his eyes widened, "10 minutes. I gotta go but Ash and Joe should be here in a few minutes," he said giving her a kiss and hurrying to the door.

"I don't need a babysitter!" She yelled back to him as he opened the door.

"But you're safer with them around! Remember NO climbing stairs alone! I'll be back in a few hours or so!" He called back to her.

Every time she was alone, even if it was just for short periods of time, he'd freak out. Therefore he installed cameras all around the penthouse so he could keep watch on her at all times.

Charlotte and Roman arrived at the penthouse a few minutes later and let themselves in with the spare key that they'd been given. "Mercy! We're here!" Charlotte exclaimed as she and Roman walked into the living room where they heard the TV on.

"Whatcha watching?" Roman asks before mentally facepalming

She couldn't watch anything without a working pair of eyes...

"I'm just going to ignore that question," Sasha responds before patting the spot on the couch next to her, "sit with me, I'm bored,"
A few hours later Seth returned from his meeting. He immediately checked on Sasha, making sure she was good before leaving with Roman to go game in the gaming room.

"Thank god they left, Ive been dying to talk to you," Sasha sighed while doing her best to make eye contact with Charlotte.

"Hey what's the matter?" She asked, noticing the changed expression on Sasha's face.

"I-i can't remember anymore. I can't remember what I look like. I can't remember what Colby looks like. I don't even remember what you look like and we've been friends since pre-school," she cried. The emotion is Sasha's voice made Charlotte want to cry herself. Sasha held her hand over her face to keep from letting out a sob in case the boys could hear her.

"Hey that's alright, it doesn't matter what we look like. We don't care if you don't remember. We'll always be here for you no matter what," Charlotte whispered, soothingly rubbing Sasha's back.

"B-but what if Colby leaves me. What if he doe-doesn't thi-think I'm wor-worth it anymore," She stutters out while rubbing her damp eyes.

"Mercedes don't be ridiculous. He loves you with all his heart. You see that right?" She asks.

Sasha nodded her head before speaking again, "but what if-

"No, no what ifs. You need to tell him soon though. It may be hard but he will never leave you girly," she soothes before standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Champagne or red wine?" Charlotte called out while grabbing to glasses from the cabinet.

"Is that even a question?" Sasha called back still trying to dry her tears although Charlotte had already done a good job of it.

"You do know that alcohol doesn't fix everything?" Sasha laughed as she was handed the champagne.

"I know but it sure does help,"
"Bruh that was ME you killed!" Seth yelled in frustration, "What happened to our agreement?"

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