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"I'm scared," Sasha whimpered. She held Seth's hand in her left and the hospital bed sheets in the right. Seth had been trying to get her to calm down for 30 minutes now. They were just about to give her the anesthesia and she was freaking out.

"You're okay baby. When you wake up I'll be right here. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise," he whispered, lightly brushing his thumb over her tear stained face.

The nurse came in and checked her stats before deciding it was time. She gave Sasha the anesthesia which slowly knocked her out.

Seth sat in the waiting room while tapping his foot against the floor. He was nervous but he wouldn't dare show it in front of Sasha. He needed to be strong for her.

Colby hated hospitals. He used to think they were the best thing in the world because they cured people. But after his parents deaths and Mercedes near death experience, he had no reason to trust them anymore.


The heart monitor started beeping faster and faster as tears rapidly fell from Seth's tired eyes. He squeezed Sasha's limp hand while watching over her pale body.

"Please don't leave me Mercedes," he whispered with fear in his voice. Her heart was beating at a very unhealthy pace. Her body looked lifeless.




The monitor began to flatline. Seth was a sobbing mess as Roman pulled him out of the room so the doctors could get to her. He weakly collapsed in Romans arms.

He failed her.

He had one job.

To protect her.

He FAILED her.

Thankfully the doctors were just able to revive Sasha. Seth took this as his second chance. He failed once, he wouldn't let it happen again.


"Colby? Hello? Are you with me?" Alexa asked while waving her hand in front of his face. He snapped out of his thoughts and blinked his eyes before returning to reality.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"It's alright. How long do you think the surgery will take?" She asked while placing her purse on the seat next to Seth.

"Probably a few hours," he responded.

"She's gonna be fine Colby. She's the strongest person I know," Alexa smiled as she sat down in the chair.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I'm just really nervous for her,"

He then pulled out his phone and texted Sasha's mom to let her know how everything was going. Judith and Seth got along really well so Seth texted her frequently about everything.

He felt a tap on his shoulder as he turned to face Alexa who was pointing at the tv. Sasha's favorite episode of KUWTK was playing.

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