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After a long night of Seth trying to convince Sasha that visiting her dad today was a bad idea, it ended in Sasha still set on going.

They were currently in the backseat of their car while their driver drove them to the house. Their was a divider between the driver and then so they had some privacy.

"You nervous?" Seth asks while placing his hand on Sasha's knee. She nods as she anxiously taps her foot against the floor.

"I mean he's missed the past 5 years of my life. Doesn't even know I'm blind. Probably doesn't even know how far I had come in my writing career. Hell he doesn't even know who you are," she sighs.

"And yet I still hate him," Seth adds.

"I hate him too," she responds, "I just wish I didn't,"

"Last night I thought about what you said. If my parents were still al-alive I'd make sure to cherish every moment with them. Therefore this may not be a bad thing for you because you never know when the unexpected could happen," he says becoming quieter at the last part. His face sank as he dried the tears which were dearing to fall from his eyes. He hated talking about his parents.

"I'm sorry baby," Sasha whispered before grabbing his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"It's ok. I'm over-

"No your not Colby. I'm blind but I'm not dumb. I can still see you hurting over them. Well I can't see you but you know what I mean," she says with a slight laugh at the end.

"That's why I love you," He smiled, kissing her cheek, "you always make me happy,"

"Do you think this stupid walking stick is too intimidating?" Sasha asks as Seth helps her out of the car.

"No but you don't need it right now when you have me," he answers.

They walked up the long stairway, hands glued together. Sasha's heart was beating out of control and Seth could see her tensing.

"Hey. Shh. It's alright. If this all goes South than we can get ice cream and watch a movie later. In your case you can listen to it," He says making her slightly laugh. She didn't mind the blind jokes. It meant people were comfortable with her being blind.

"And if it goes good can we still do that," she asks with a grin growing on her face.

"Of course," he chuckled.

When they reached the top of the steps Seth rang the doorbell. The sound of barking dogs erupted through the house making Sasha jump.

When Sasha heard the door unlock from the inside she clutched Seth's hand in hers as tight as possible. His hand was almost turning purple but it didn't matter to him. He only cared that she was comfortable.

The door swung open revealing a man who looked freakishly liked Sasha. He was around his early or mid 40's. He and Judith had Sasha when they were pretty young. That's why their marriage didn't last. They were barely adults. They divorced when Sasha was around 5. Sasha never minded it though because her mom and dad were still good friends and there was no awkwardness at all.

"Oh Mercedes. You're all grown up now. It's been too long," he smiles. He was smart enough to not try and hug her.

He then directed his eyes towards Seth and stuck his hand out to greet him. Not wanting to make a bad impression, Seth accepted the handshake."I'm Colby. Merc's boyfriend,"

"I'm so glad you guys are here. How bout you come sit down for lunch so we can talk," he offers while stepping out of the door way and inviting them into his home.

It was quite elegant and large. Three little dogs roamed the place, wagging their tails around as they greeted Seth and Sasha.

The three sat down at the table which was prepared with salads and water.

"So how have you been pumpkin?" He asks sitting across from Sasha. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I've been great aside from the fact that I went blind," She blurts out with no emotion at all. She hated how nice her father was being. She wished that he'd yell in her face just so she could yell back.

His eyes widen in shock before looking at Colby who had him arm around Sashas chair. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking,"

"I don't even know. I got really sick, nearly died, then god granted me with the gift of no vision," she said sarcastically as Seth helped her take a sip of water.

"I'm so sorry. I- I wish I would've known sooner," he stuttered, "your mom tells me you live in the city now and that your famous," He says changing the topic.

"Yup but I didn't come here to talk about all of my success. Can we talk about why we don't talk," She snaps causing him to sigh.

"You know I didn't mean to hurt you," He trails off.

"She was my best friend dad! Because of you she won't talk to me!" Sasha yelled slamming her fist against the armrest of her chair. Seth attempted to calm her down but he had no effect on her as of now.

"I know I messed up. But I can't go back and change the past. It already happened. Also I'm not the only one you should be blaming. Rebecca is at fault too!" He replies. Sasha shudders at her name.

"I don't understand how you could to that to her, to me! You fucked up her life. Do you even still talk to her?" She yelled again while running her hands over her face as she fidgeted in the chair.

"I don't. After she told me she was pregnant she moved. I can't send her any child support money either because I don't know where she went,"

"Great my half brother/sister or whatever the fuck that child is to me is somewhere in this world with my best friend. Probably struggling for money. Now think, all of that could've been avoided if you hadn't fucked her!" Sasha spat out while breathing heavily. She was getting so worked up that Seth had to take her into the bathroom in order to calm her.

She didn't want to cry but she let the tears fall on to Seth's shoulder as she sobbed, "I hate him! He is so stupid!"

"I know baby," he cooed while rubbing her back. When she finally calmed down, Seth took her hand again and they walked back to the table.

"Sorry about that," Seth said as her dad nodded.

"It's ok. I understand," he then continues, "Mercedes I really hope one day you can forgive me. I miss having my daughter in my life. Whenever I visit your brother I can't help but think of you,"

"Dad how can I when Rebecca was highly intoxicated and you took advantage of her. You got her pregnant and let her run away. I'm never going to see ever again. She meant so much to me," Sasha cried with a frown across her face.

"Sasha I tried to stop her. I told her that I'd help raise the baby and that I'd give her a place to stay until she could get a well paying job. She said she'd think about it and left to go back home. After a week of not hearing from her I went to her parents house to see where she had gone. First her dad beat the crap out of me but it was well deserved. Then they told me she ran away and that they didn't know where she went either. She just left them a note saying I'm leaving for good. Don't worry about me or the baby. We'll be fine," he explained. Sasha had never heard that much of the story. She didn't know that her dad tried to help.

"Dad I don't forgive you yet. Maybe in the future but certainly not now. I hate you a little bit less though. Just a little," she said making a tiny gap with her fingers. He nodded his head knowing that this would be the outcome.

"Thank you so much Mercedes. Good luck with everything. And Colby you seem to be a great guy," he waved goodbye as the couple walked out the door.

Sasha didn't know what to feel as she stepped into the car.

She was sad, she was angry, she was stressed, she was shocked, but most of she was confused.

"Colby we're taking a trip to Boston next week," she said as they buckled their seatbelts.

"Why?" He asked.

"I want to see Rebecca's parents,"

So were y'all expecting that 😂

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