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Seth held the ring box in his hand as he nervously brushed his thumb across the velvet surface. He took shallow breaths while tapping his foot against the floor. Today was the day he'd propose to the love of his life. He'd been waiting for this day for the longest time but he was slightly dreading it now. He was worried that she'd say no or that she may not be ready for this yet.

The terrifying thought of her rejecting his proposal lingered in Seth's mind as he placed the ring box back in his dresser for later.

"Colby can you help me with something!?" Sasha called from downstairs. He quickly made his way down the steps as he hurried over to her in the kitchen.

"I can't reach," she whined while pointing to the wine glass cabinet. Seth immediately shook his head.

"Ok I know you don't remember what happened last week but it's going to be a long time before I let you back near alcohol. Plus it's only one, why do you need a drink now?" He asked while taking her hand. She huffed while refusing to make eye contact with him. He placed his left hand on her cheek and turned her head to be in line with his but she turned away.

"Babe answer my question," he directed. She shrugged her shoulders before walking out of the room as he chased after her. He easily caught up and grabbed her body in his hands while turning her around.

She purses her lips while staring at the floor while she anxiously played with her fingers. Seth kneeled down to her height while holding her waist, "love what's the problem?" He asked again hoping to retrieve an answer this time.

"It's nothing," she mumbled under her breath. Seth sighed at her crappy response. He'd stay here all day until she gave an answer and Sasha knew that very well.

"I'm scared," she finally admitted while swallowing the lump in her throat. Seth furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion. She took a deep breath before elaborating, "I'm scared that I'm going to lose my sight again. Being able to see makes my life so much more fulfilling. It's like I have a purpose instead of not being able to do anything and having to rely on others,"

Seth's eyes softened at her words.  He couldn't imagine being in her position. That's why she was the strongest woman he knew. Scratch that the strongest person.

"Baby I know it's scary and there's a very high possibility that you could lose your sight again and yeah it sucks. But that shouldn't affect who you truly are. You have purpose whether your blind or not. You have the most amazing purpose, your writing helps others through tough times, you have the ability to make everyone smile when you walk in the room, you make me happy. You go beyond you eyesight love," he smiled. A tear rolled down her cheek as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too,"

Colby stuffed the ring box in his back pocket as he fixed his hair in the mirror. Even though she couldn't see well it was still the thought that counted.

Seth, Charlotte, and Roman planned the perfect proposal for Sasha.

Sasha stayed at Charlottes and Romans while Seth pretended like he went in to work. But really after he dropped her off he rushed back home and let the decorators into the penthouse so they could spice up the balcony. While they did that Seth ordered food from the most up town, high class, fancy restaurant because he couldn't cook for the life of him.

He would then call Charlotte and tell her to drop Sasha back at the house where he'd take her out to the balcony to eat before popping the question.

Sasha should be here any minute now but knowing New York, traffic was almost impassable.

The doorbell rung, setting his heart racing. He took a deep breath and straightened his tie before quickly hurrying to the door. He opened it expecting to see Sasha.

He instead saw an orange haired girl, a little bit bigger than Sasha who was with a young boy, maybe 6 or 7.

"Rebecca?! What are you doing here?!" Seth asked in shock.

"Wh-who are you and where's Sasha?" She stuttered while looking passed my shoulder.

"I'm her boyfriend, Colby. You need to leave and come back tomorrow or something though," he said while closing the door. She stopped it with her hand with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Please Colby I need to see her. I was just barely able to afford a cab ride here and I have no where else to go!" She begged. I sighed and took her two small sized bags in and motioned her upstairs into one of the guest bedrooms.

"You are to stay here until I tell you to come back ok? I'll get you some food and stuff to keep in the mini fridge," I instructed while racing downstairs to grab her water and other random foods. I threw them on her bed before placing my finger over my lips, "Sasha can't know your here. Not yet at least,"

a/n this was eh. i'm trying tho! it's just writing is not as easy as it looks and i'm super lazy so....

 i'm trying tho! it's just writing is not as easy as it looks and i'm super lazy so

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(^ me trying to save my chapters ^)

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