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dear diary,

never thought id end up back here but here i am. it's fine though. PERFECTLY FINE. it's not like i miss seeing my loved ones faces or the beautiful city view. not at all.
-Mercedes <3


Despite going to bed extremely early, 8:40 pm to be exact, Sasha still woke up feeling exhausted. She could hear Seth shuffling around in the bathroom, signaling that it was around ten. He had to be in work by twelve today for some meeting with some publishers.

Sasha stretched her arms, feeling her body loosen. She then flopped back down on the bed, too tired to function.

"Morning," she heard. She opened her eyes and travelled them to the sound of her beloved fiancé. She thought she'd get better at eye contact once again so she didn't look like an idiot every time someone spoke.

"Morning," she mumbled back, gripping on to the comforter to keep herself cozy. Seth chuckled and picked her up as Sasha wrapped her legs around his waist, "Baby I'm tired," she yawned, resting her chin on his shoulder as if she was a little kid.

"Well then I'll make some coffee for you," he replied, carrying her downstairs, "how do you want it today?"

"Black," she sighed as he placed her on the island stools. "Is Alexa coming over? Or Charlotte?" She asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Actually Rebecca. Alexa is god knows where and Charlotte went out with Roman," he answered. Sasha nodded.

"Is Max coming?" She asked.

"Baby school started a while ago," Seth chuckled as Sasha formed an 'o' with her mouth. Something about this passed week had been making her lose her mind.

Seth handed Sasha her coffee in one of the mugs Max had made her at summer camp. It was dark blue at the top and faded to a light purple color towards the bottom.

She took a long sip, feeling the warm liquid slide down her throat as she hummed in satisfaction.

"You will forever be my favorite coffee maker," she giggled at Seth who was now sitting beside her.

He smiled and placed his hand on her knee, "is that so?" He chuckled. Sasha quickly nodded her head with her smile glued to her face.

As long as she was happy...



Pure sobbing.

"Sasha what's the matter?!" Rebecca exclaimed for what seemed the hundredth time as she watched her best friend tightly clutch a pillow against her body, muffling her screams into it.

"I don't know!" She yelled, trying her best to catch her breath. She coughed a bit before finally calming. She then wiped her tears with the back of her hands while shrugging, "I'm good now,"

Becky raised her eyebrow in confusion. She was just screaming into the pillow and now she was smiling?

"Why were you crying?" She asked.

"I don't know Rebecca!" Sasha snapped throwing the tear stained pillow at her.

"I think you need a nap, you're acting like a five year old. Go to bed, Seth will be back soon,"

Sasha obeyed, cuddling under the fluffy blanket. When she woke again, she had been in her own bed, safely wrapped in strong arms.

"Baby?" She whispered.

"Shh go back to sleep it's late,"

She did just that.

Except when she woke up this time, she didn't feel safe.


a/n bitch shut up i know it's short but my ideas r at an all time low i need inspiration.

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