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A few weeks later

During the passed few weeks Sasha had fallen back into the state she did when she first went blind.

She barely talked, she lost her smile, she cried for hours, she wasn't eating much, she wasn't Sasha.

Seth instantly changed back into his over protective state making sure Sasha was safe at all times.


"Please eat this for me!" Seth begged while placing the tray of breakfast in front of her, "it's chocolate chip pancakes. You love those,"

Sasha shrugged while keeping her head down as she fiddled with her fingers. Seth frowned and grabbed the fork, taking a piece of the pancake and waving it in front of her mouth like she was a child.

She grabbed his wrist and pushed him away before crossing her arms.

"Please Sasha. I will shove the fork down your throat if I have to," he said sternly. He grabbed her hand and placed the fork inside of it while closing her fingers around it in a tight grasp, "go head. Eat the food,"

She groaned before slowly bringing the fork to her mouth and taking a bite of the pancake. She slowly chewed it and then swallowed as Seth smiled.

"Cmon a few more bites," Seth encouraged. Sasha shook her head as Seth sighed.

He gave her the glass of water which she thankfully took a long sip of before handing it back to him. Seth grabbed the tray and placed it on the nightstand beside them before grabbing her hands.

"Baby I know it's hard and I know this isn't ideal but I'm just trying to help you. Yes, you can't see but that doesn't have anything to do with who you truly are. I've told you this before, you are just as amazing with or without sight. Yeah it's sucks but you can't let it take control of your life. If you do than you'll never be happy," he said. She fought back her tears as she raised her head upwards to stare at the ceiling.

"But it still hurts knowing that I can't see you. I don't want to forget you again. I feel so lost when I don't have your picture to look at in my mind," she sniffled. Seth squeezed her hands tighter as he saw the tears surfacing. They started to slowly spill down from her eye lids causing her to whimper.

Seth wiped them away with his thumb while moving closer to her. He kissed her forehead while letting go of her hands so he could pull her legs around either side of him.

"You may not have my image but you're always going to have my touch, my voice, my support, my kiss, and my whole heart," he whispered while bringing his forehead to connect to hers. She wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in his shoulder as she let him hold her.

They stayed in the exact position for quite awhile. The only noises being Sasha's sniffling and the traffic from below them.


Seth unfortunately had to go into the office today, so while he was out Alexa was staying back with Sasha.

"I have an idea!" Alexa exclaimed excitedly as she hopped around whilst clapping her hands.

"What?" Sasha asked from the couch. Alexa ran over to her and took both of her hands in hers.

"Let's dye your hair blue!" She exclaimed. Sasha shook her head while pulling back.

"No- wha why?" Sasha stuttered while cringing.

"Because it'll be fun! You'd look good with blue, trust me!"

Hours later Sasha's hair was fully blue thanks to Alexa. Sasha always loved doing crazy things with her appearance from the clothes she wore, to different piercings, and colorful hair. She had switched different hair color from boring brown, to a burgundy, to pink, and then it was purple up until now.

Alexa cleaned up the bathroom before taking millions of pictures and sending them all to Charlotte.

"Seth is gonna kill me," Sasha chuckled.

Alexa pursed her lips while staring at Sasha confusedly, "why? I thought he loved your colorful hair,"

Sasha shrugged, "He does but he was shocked when I went purple so I can only imagine what he's gonna think when he sees me with blue,"

"Personally the blue is my favorite," Alexa commented with a beaming smile before taking Sashas hand and pulling her in front of the mirror.

She stood behind Sasha, holding her shoulders while staring at Sasha's reflection in the mirror.

"I know you can't see but you look absolutely beautiful,"

Sasha smiled as her mind envisioned herself with the blue hair. Last time her memory of everything didn't fade until around six months or so, therefore she still had a lot of time.

"Thank you Lexi. I love you!" She exclaimed, turning herself around and holding her arms out as Alexa immediately accepted her hug.

The sound of the front door opening spooked Sasha as she jumped a bit. Alexa got rather excited knowing Seth was home and he could see Sasha's new hair finally. Sasha was a bit tense though. What if she didn't look good at all?

"Cmon Sash!" Alexa exclaimed as she practically dragged Sasha out of the bathroom. They ran down the hall and over to the front door where Seth was putting his work bag down.

"Colby Colby Colby! You like!?" Alexa excitedly as she shoved Sasha in front of him. Seth eyes widened at the sight with his jaw slightly dropped. He was not expecting this to say the least.

"I- wow," he breathed at a loss for words. Her beauty mesmerized him as he ran a few fingers through her blue locks.

Sasha shyly but her lip unsure of what he thought. She couldn't tell whether he was cringing or smiling.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, pulling her in for a hug, "I love it,"

"I'm glad," she mumbled into his shirt.



sorry this ending sucks, i just needed this chapter over with.

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