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Sasha anxiously waited by the door. Her mom was coming to visit today for the first time in months and Sasha couldn't be more thrilled. She loved her mom with all of her heart because she was her biggest supporter, well besides Seth.

She desperately wanted to hear knocking or the doorbell ringing as she paced around the entrance way.

Seth was out of town for the weekend. He and Roman went away with some of their other friends for a guys weekend in northern New York. Roman had to practically drag Seth along because all he wanted to do was stay with Sasha.

Sasha jumped as she heard the doorbell ring. She swung the door open and ran into her moms arms practically squeezing the life out of her.

"I missed you mama," she cried while pulling away, "you look beautiful,"

"Aww Mercedes I missed you too!" Judith exclaimed. Sasha took her suit case and wheeled it into the house while motioning for her mom to follow, "Thank you for having me," she breathed.

"Mom your welcome anytime. You know that," Sasha laughed while lugging the bags upstairs and into a guest room.


Judith's eyes watered as she held Sasha's hand, looking down at the beautiful ring. It lit up in the sunlight which was beaming through the wide windows.

She couldn't believe that her baby girl was getting married. Seeing her grow up was saddening but she was extremely proud of Sasha.

"I can't wait for the wedding! It's going to be beautiful!" Judith cooed while letting go of Sasha's hand, "and I think we need to talk about Mr.Lopez," she smirked.

"Oh my god mom he's just amazing. Everything about him is- I don't even have words. He's perfect. Anyone who says nobody's perfect obviously hasn't met him. I mean he's good with kids, loves making people smile, kindest soul on earth, most caring guy in the world, I could go on for years about how great of a person he is," she said in a dreamy tone while profusely blushing.

"Awh I knew he was the one the second you introduced me to him,"

Sasha nodded her head with a wide smile drawn across her face. She waved her mom over to the balcony. The warm air instantly hit them as they stepped out on to it. Sasha pointed at the building where Becky and Max were now living.

"I want you to meet Max. He's the sweetest little boy in the world," Sasha said softly while letting her mind envision Max.

The two half siblings had grown close over the passed few weeks. They went to Central Park together, played video games, Sasha brought him to see all the tall, sky scraping buildings, and they'd regularly visit one another.

Rebecca had gotten a job as a waitress at Dean and Renee's restaurant only a few minutes away. Since it was summer and Max wasn't in school, he'd either stay with Sasha and Seth or attend a day camp which Sasha helped Becky get him set up in.

"I'm glad things worked out," her mom smiled, "although I'm still upset about your father going completly behind my back and calling you even though I told him that you didn't need his stress in your life,"

"It's fine mom. He was respectful. We haven't talked since then so I don't know whether or not to invite him to the wedding," Sasha shrugged, "if I do he sure as hell won't be the one to walk me down the isle," she giggled.


"Are you sure you're alright coming here Colby. I mean I know your parents-

"It's fine," Seth sighed while giving a reassuring nod, "can't run away from all my problems,"

"But it's understandable if you'd rather go somewhere else," Dean said as Roman parked the car. Seth bit his lip while looking at the surroundings. Tall trees swaying in the wind, thick bushes, streams. Just as he remembered.

Roman, Seth, Dean, and their good friend Drew all hopped out of the car. They grabbed their backpacks before beginning the hike to the cabin.

The heat was unimaginable with the blazing sun shining threw the treetops. The sound of a waterfall could be heard in the distance along with some chirping birds.

"How much further is this place," Dean panted while wiping beads of sweat off of his forehead.

"We're literally here," Seth chuckled while lifting his head. The cabin was huge just as he had told all of them. This was his parents cabin until they passed a few years back. Seth hadn't returned since because the memories were to overwhelming.

Seth took a long stare at the place, memories filing through his brain. The door still had the stupid sign his mom had bought that said Lopez.

His eyes welled with tears but he held them back not wanting to look weak.

"Hey it's alright. We can always stay somewhere else. There's a-

"It's fine. I think I've been needing this," he said while walking up the porch. He unlocked the door, pushing it open.

He huffed as he eyes glanced around the place.

In front of his stood the stairs that he used to dart down on Christmas morning when he was a child. Next to them was a coat rack which still held his moms raincoat. To the right was the living room which was filled with all of his dads paintings.

He pursed his lips while stepping into the cabin. It was dreadfully hot and there was a lot of dust but other than that everything seemed to be fine.

Everyone else entered as Seth directed them towards the bedrooms upstairs where they threw their stuff down.

Dean and Drew had already been talking about swimming at the waterfall since they stepped foot in the car so they changed into their swim pants and took off with the map Seth had drawn out for them. Roman and Seth decided to be mature and stay back to get the house ready for the weekend.

Seth took his mother's coat off of the coat rack and brought it close to him. He could still smell her perfume lingering on it.

"I know this is hard for you man. I know the other two idiots don't understand as well but I'm here for you," Roman said comfortingly as he patted Seth's back. Seth nodded his head and hung the coat back up.

"I'm gonna call Mercy and tell her we got here," Seth said while slipping away.



poor seth 🥺

sorry if this sucked. as i probably said already im throwing out some random chapters to build up to something big...

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