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Sasha's eyesight was majorly improving as the days went by. It was easier for her to make out objects and the world wasn't as dark.

Dear diary,

I still can't really make out letters but I'm getting better. Colby has been the most amazing person in the world and I can not thank god enough for bringing him into my life. Yesterday he asked me what I wanted for my future and it got me really really excited because I can't wait for us to start a family. My god I love him so much!

"I just don't know when. Like is it bad timing if I do it right when she's in the middle of regaining her eyesight? Then again I don't want to wait to do it because right now things are as calm as they've been in a while and-

"Man just calm down," Roman sighed, "you'll know when it's the right time,"

"But if I propose when she's fully regained her eyesight then it's gonna seem that I didn't want to marry her when she couldn't see which is totally untrue because I'd marry her no matter what," Seth said in frustration as he clenched the phone in his hand.

Roman huffed at Seth, "ok you're gonna put yourself into an anxiety attack if you keep panicking. She loves you. Do what your heart tells you to. I have to go but I'll see you later man," Roman hung up the phone leaving Seth to decide the biggest decision in his life alone.

He heard Sasha's heels tapping against the floor from behind him. He cursed hoping she didn't hear him and Romans conversation.

"Hey babe," he nervously grinned while scratching the back of his neck. She didn't respond making him raise an eyebrow until he realized she had her earbuds in. He sighed in relief before walking up to her and removing them from her ears. She smiled and lifted herself on to her tip toes to kiss him.

"Hey," she whispered while leaning into his chest. He kissed the top of her head before taking her hand and taking her into his writing space.

"Let's write something together," he smiled, "not anything major. Just for fun,"

"Can we make the stupidest story ever," she laughed.

"Yes M, we can," he replied while pulling a desk chair next to his so she could sit.

She happily tapped her nails against the glass desk while smiling. It felt like it'd been ages since she wrote something.

Seth was happy as well. He loved to see her smile. It was infectious and if she was happy he was happy.

"Ok characters?" He asked.

She clapped her hands together before letting out a laugh at the crazy thoughts that were coming to mind, "No no no, I have our whole story off the top of my head," she giggles.

"Let's hear it then love," he smiled.

"Ok so you know how in superhero movies a lot of the hero's jump into random cars and scream, FOLLOW THAT CAR. Well let's write from the drivers perspective. Just something short and funny," she explained. He chuckled at her idea before beginning to write with her.

Seth typed while Sasha gave him ideas on what should be happening and some of the dialogue to put in. They both were dying of laughter by the end of it.


12 minutes ago I was taking a nap in my car. God I wish I'd stayed home today because now a screaming person wearing the most ridiculous outfit was sitting in my passenger seat, directing me to follow a speeding black car.

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