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Weeks went by and Sasha still hadn't returned to herself again. She was more distant, a lot more tired, and always felt sick.

Seth wanted to take her to the doctors so bad but every time he even brought up the idea of going to get looked at, Sasha immediately shut him down.

He was becoming more and more worried by the day. The poor girl was stressing herself out over the wedding as well making the situation 100x worse.

"Colby can you invite Alexa over?" Sasha asked. Sasha knew what her problem was. In fact she was 99.9% sure she was correct with her diagnosis. Yet telling Seth was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Yeah, Roman and I are going to go out for a bit. Unless you don't want me to. I can st-

"No baby go have fun. I'll be fine," she gave him her most convincing smile in reassurance, "also can you tell her to bring the thing. She'll know what I'm talking about."

Seth's eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head, "should I be concerned? Are you dying your hair again?"

Sasha gave off a little laugh while shaking her head, "no don't worry about it."

Seth took her word for it even though he should probably have questioned her further. He called Alexa over and left to go to Roman's shortly after she arrived.

"Ok so are you sure you want to do this with me and not him?" Alexa asked for the thousandth time. Sasha nodded her head while reaching her hand out. Alexa sighed and handed her the bag, "call me in when you're done."

A few minutes later, Sasha slowly opened the bathroom door, softly biting down on her lip. She was terrified.

Alexa grabbed the objects from her hand and looked down at them with a smile.

"Hey you're good babygirl! It's all good I promise," she whispered pulling Sasha into a tight embrace. Those words told Sasha everything.


"I know she's scared to lose her vision again, but the surgery is worth another shot right?" Roman said as he casted his rod out. Seth shrugged leaning against the dock post.

"I don't know if she can handle that if the surgery doesn't work again. I've never seen her so upset it my life. She's still trying to recover," he responded looking out on to the lake which was so still it could be mistaken for glass.

Roman tugged his rod a bit feeling something way down on his line, but the only thing he brought up was a peice of grass.

"Damnit," he softly cursed. He turned to Seth, "Are you gonna fish or what?"

Seth smirked and picked up his rod, attaching a fake worm because they had no time to by real ones, and casting out into the lake, "whoever catches the biggest fish buys lunch," Seth called, feeling a burst of energy.

"No whoever catches more. We did biggest last time!" Roman argued as he started to reel in, having been without a bite for quite some time now.

"Fine," Seth agreed knowing he'd never win this argument.


"I'm going to get the biggest burger you could possibly imagine with extra sides," Roman said with a grin. Seth nudged his shoulder as they sat down in the booth.

"I should've never agreed to doing more fish. I definitely caught the biggest," He defended while propping his elbows up on the table.

Roman chuckled."Sucks to suck, loser!"

Just as Roman had called, he got the biggest burger with extra sides and the most expensive beer on the menu. It's not like money was a problem for Seth. But losing, that was another story.


a/n i get bored of my stories way too easily...

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