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"Are you even listening to me?" Seth asks while snapping his fingers to gain Sasha's attention. Her eyes widened as her body shook a bit.

"I uh yeah...ok maybe not," she sighed, falling back into the desk chair. Seth closed his laptop before standing up and walking behind her chair. He turned it around so she faced him.

"What's the matter with you. The passed few weeks you've been off," he mentioned as she shook her head, "is it the surgery? We can change our decision. You don't have to go through with it,"

"No- it's not that. Something else," she mumbled before mentally face palming as she realized she just admitted that something was wrong.

Here comes the freak out, she thought.

"Do you feel ok? Are you sick? Do you need to cry? What's making you want to cry? Do I have to beat somebody up? Did some-

"Babe no stop. It's nothing really," she sighed while reaching her arms out and wrapping them around his neck. She slowly pecked his lips in attempt to distract him but it didn't work.

He kept listing things that could possibly be wrong but she shook her head to all of them. She hated that she made him stress out so much. It hurt her. It really hurt her.

"Let's go out for lunch ok?" She suggested while intertwining their fingers. He slowly nodded and pulled her up out of the chair before grabbing his wallet and keys.

The streets of New York were crowded as always. Paparazzi were everywhere along with screaming fans. Sasha and Seth were very close with their fans. They made it so easy to connect. The fans didn't just love them for their writing but for their amazing personalities.

Seth protectively pulled Sasha closer to him as they dodged all of the annoying questions. Seth signed a few books of his for fans before turning left into a restaurant where they were taken into a private backroom where nobody could follow.

Seth and Sasha were "that couple" who sat next to each other instead of across from each other.

Sasha leaned her head against Seth as his arm loosely hung around her. He skimmed the menu before shrugging.

"Everything here is too fancy. Like what the hell is a soupe à I' oignon?" He asks with his best French accent.

"I don't know. Why'd you take us here?" She laughs.

"Because it was expensive and you deserve the best of the best of the best," He replies while placing a kiss on the top of her head. She blushed as she ducked her head.

"I'm not that special," she mumbled.

"You're very special princess," he confirmed.
Sasha gripped her phone tightly while anxiously tapping her foot against the floor. She had 5 minutes.

Seth had left to get them some ice cream. He insisted on Sasha going but she resisted using an excuse that worked all of the time. "My head hurts,"

She wanted to call Rebecca's parents alone. She didn't want any interferences but she was scared. She didn't know if they'd be mad at her for what her father did.

"Sasha just breath," she told herself as she felt her heart rate dramatically increase. Her palms were sweaty and her arms were shaking making it hard for her to get a good grip on her phone.

"Siri....call Bex's mom," she breathed.

The phone rang a few times before the line picked up.

"Who is this?" The familiar voice asked.


Sasha quickly hung the phone up.

Colby's right. I don't need this stress now.

She was still in a panicky state. Her heart was still pounding. Her palms were still sweating and her eyes were damp with tears.

She heard the click of the door unlock as she quickly perked up and stumbled into the bathroom not wanting Seth to see her in her current state.

"Mercy?! I'm home?!" Seth called while walking through the door.

Sasha bit her lip from inside the bathroom while rubbing her eyes in attempt to make herself look more presentable.

"I'm in the bathroom!" She called back but Seth could hear the rasp in her voice.

He walked to the bathroom door and lightly knocked on it, "love? What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I'm good," she replied while unlocking the door and slowly opening it. Little did she know, her eyes were bloodshot red.

He pulled her into a hug but her arms didn't wrap around him in return.

"Cmon, the ice creams on the counter," he said, feeling her tense.


Seth and Sasha settled on the balcony to eat their ice cream. Seth knew Sasha was feeing down so he put on her favorite artist, Ariana Grande.

"Colby I need to talk to you," she sighed. Seth broke out of his thoughts and immediately tuned towards her. He tilted his head while placing his hand on her knee, signaling for her to speak.

"I know you've been stressed over me lately and I haven't been very honest with you so I have to tell you this. But please please please don't be mad. I tried so hard to fix it but..." she took a deep breath before continuing, "I can't remember you," she said so softly that it was barely audible. A single tear fell from her eye. Seth's face sunk as he watched the tears roll down her face. He flicked it off with his finger before frowning.

"Babyyyyy," he cooed, "that's what you've been upset about?"

She nodded her head while keeping it hung low. He cupped her cheeks, bringing her head back up as he smothered her face with kisses.

"I don't care if you can remember me or not. That doesn't matter to me. And your still with me so I know you're not with me for my amazingly sexy looks," he joked as she nudged him with her elbow.

"Hey we have 1 more week till your surgery and then maybe you'll see my handsome face again," he laughed, over confidently.

"Colby if you compliment yourself one more time, I'm going to smack you," she grinned. He scooped her up in his arms before walking to the balcony railing. She kicked her feet while laughing.

"I'll drop you," he said even though there was no way in hell he'd ever let her even come close to getting hurt ever again.

"No you won't," she grinned while tugging at his shirt. He laughed before laying her back in the lounge chair.

"Waaaaait. Lay with me!" She whined while holding her arms in the air. He smile and climbed next to her while slightly laying on top of her.

It was moments like this that Sasha never wanted to loose. The relaxing moments where she could fall back into Colby's warm embrace and forget everything.

She wouldn't trade it for the world.

She would trade it for her sight.

This chapter was ehh.

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