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Sasha woke up due to her unbearable headache. She groaned while reaching for her water on the nightstand. She took a long sip, letting the refreshing liquid slide down her throat. She placed it back on her nightstand and reached for the lamp, turning it on.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked around the room. Despite the lamp being on things were still quite hard to see. Black shadows filled in for what was supposed to be furniture around the room.

She rubbed her eyes a few times and then tried looking around again but nothing changed. Everything was still dark.

Her heart dropped as she felt that same pit in her stomach. Her mouth went dry as she shook her head.

"No!" She yelled. She sprang up from the bed and used her hands to guide her into the bathroom. She flipped on the light switch as she desperately darted her eyes across the room. It was all still a blur of shadows.

Carefully she reached her hands out in front of her and turned on the sink and splashed some water on her face.

Maybe she was just tired?

She let out a sigh of defeat as she exited the bathroom and walked back to the bed. She flopped on to it and buried her head into the pillow.


"Are we almost back yet?" Seth anxiously asked from the back seat. Roman shook his head.

"The amount of traffic is insane. Probably won't be back till two,"

Seth groaned while leaning his head against the cold window. He just wanted to see Sasha.

"Just take a nap man," Drew suggested.

a few hours later

Seth was fast asleep and Dean and Drew has just woken up from their naps. Roman pulled into a gas station so him and Drew could switch seats. They only had an hour left of their drive but Roman was exhausted.

Dean yawned as he glanced over at Seth's phone which was vibrating on the seat. He picked it up to see who was calling.

"Mercy's calling Colby. Should I answer?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Roman sighed sounding dead.

Dean hit 'accept' and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey Sash what's up?" He asked. He heard her sniffle which immediately forced the car silent.

"Is C-Colby there?" She asked weakly.

"He's sleeping but we can wake him up if you want," Dean answered.

"No it's fine, he needs to rest," She gulped. Her breathing was heavy as she continued to sniffle.

"Can you tell us what's wrong?" Roman asked while slightly raising his voice so she could hear. She fell silent for a few moments.

"I-I lost my vision again. I can't see!" she cried. Dean's eyes widened as him, Roman, and Drew made eye contact, "ca-can you guys tell Colby when he wakes up please?"

"Of course Sash. We love you. Call us if something happens ok."

"Ok. Love you too. Bye."

Dean bit his lip as he looked over at a sleeping Seth. He was not going to take this news very well.


Seth woke up thirtyish minutes later. They only had a few miles till they were back at their houses.

"Hey we have to talk to you Colby," Roman sighed while turning around in his seat. Seth confusedly tilted his head at Romans now serious tone when they were just joking around not even a few minutes ago.

He looked over at Dean who also was giving off a strangely serious face. Dean was never serious.

"So Sasha called while you were asleep. She asked us not to wake you up but something happened. Something bad," dean explained. Seth stiffened while waiting for the rest.

"Basically Sasha said she woke up and she couldn't see. She lost her vision again," Roman clarified. Seth swallowed largely as his mouth dried.

Why? Why would this happen to her? She didn't deserve this.

Dean placed his hand on Seth's shoulder but he shrugged it off and buried his head in his own hands.

Roman frowned knowing how hard this must be for Seth to hear. Sasha was his everything. His world revolved around her. He was so happy when she was able to see again and now everything was taken away.

"Is she ok?" Seth asked.

"I mean she was crying so I guess no,"

Seth sighed and repeatedly banged his head against the seat in front of him. He looked out the window and immediately recognized his surroundings. He could see his apartment building in the distance immediately relieving him.

The second Drew pulled into the parking lot, Seth hopped out of the car and grabbed his bag before rushing into the complex.

He didn't even wait for the elevator, he shot straight up the stairs and into their home, bumping a few walls on his way down the hallway.

He dropped his bag off on the floor and darted upstairs into the bedroom.

Sasha was sitting on the bed, crisscrossing her legs as she cried.

Seth walked over and tightly wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his arm.

"Please just tell me it's all a bad dream!" She exclaimed. Seth rocked her back and forth, holding her close.

"I'm so sorry baby," he whispered, "we have plenty of money. We can always get you another surgery,"

She shook her head while sniffling, "Seth I don't think I can face being let down again if it doesn't work. I- I didn't even get a chance to look at your face one last time. I hate this Colby! I hate it so much!" Sasha cried. Seth's eyes watered at her words. He couldn't even begin to imagine never being able to see Sasha again.

Seth kissed her head before leaning back on to the bed, pulling her down with him. She nuzzled her head in his chest as Seth ran his hands through her long hair.

"I'm not gonna be able to see my wedding dress. I'm not going to be able to see our wedding. Colby I'm never going to see our kids!" She exclaimed.

Seth gently pulled the blanket over her and hushed her as she sobbed.

All of her crying had put her right to sleep. Seth traced her fingers in soothing circles along her back while staring up at the ceiling.

Why do bad things always happen to good people?

Sasha didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve any of it.



i have officially gotten everyone one to hate me with this chapter so great job kailey:)

but it's not a story without its ups and downs i guess.

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