
332 18 6

9 pm

He stood at the microphone, inhaling deeply as he prepared to belt out one of his new songs. Standing at 6ft2 in, Adonis was an ebony god with strong cheekbones and delectable lips.

His husky voice echoed into the atmosphere, the vibe was very chilled at Afrohours.

The lyrics flowed instantly as he gripped the microphone, the band provided a symphony of beautiful funk sounds that complimented his voice.

The ladies in the audience were in awe of him, drawing themselves closer to the stage.

In that time, a beautiful brown-skinned beauty walked in with her two friends. They stood at the back of the audience, getting themselves to the bar.

This wasn't Noelle's usual scene but she wanted to be open-minded for once, plus Sydney and Kayla weren't having her stay at the house again.

She was a real homebody, only preferring to hang out in the comfort of their living room. The ideas of clubs and bars always seemed beneath her since one could expect a random fight or an unprecedented amount of sexual harassment from men.

Sipping her Pornstar Martini, she attempted to relax as she chatted with her friends.

"I actually can't believe you finally came out, miss boujee," Kayla remarked, playfully.

" Shut up, I'm not that boujee" Noelle replied, rolling her eyes and smiling.

" Please, bitch, you brought a coaster and your cocktail glass to a bar," Sydney pointed at her glass and coaster.

" I just like my things, why is that a problem?" She responded, continuing to sip her martini.

Dressed in a yellow bandage style dress, she had to admit she might be overdressed as she saw other people's casual attires.

But she felt relaxed, sitting and chatting with her friends. The final exams were over and their last year of university had finally come to an end.

The three friends had met in the first year and have been stuck together ever since. Whilst Sydney was enjoying different men and Kayla had a long-term boyfriend, Noelle struggled to get to know anyone.

It wasn't because she couldn't, she simply didn't prioritize it that much. She may have been boujee when it comes to fashion or the places she went to but she struggled with her self-esteem a lot.

She always felt that there were women who were prettier and more interesting than she was and she felt that she wasn't bold enough to compete with them.

An unhealthy coping mechanism of hers was focusing on her friends' love lives, soaking up what they did with men. She knew it was bad but at this point, she was becoming all too comfortable with the idea of being alone.

Adonis' baritone voice interrupted her thoughts as she turned to look at him and her eyes widened in awe. He might have been the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

Wanting a better look, she found a table in the middle and gestured for her friends to follow her. They sat down and waited for his next song.

His silk shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a taut stomach and a cascade of beautiful tattoos that turned his upper body into a beautiful canvas.

"This next song is gonna be dedicated to one of you beautiful black queens in the crowd tonight. Hopefully, one of you will go home tonight feeling as desired as you should be." He uttered, leaving the women lingering for more.

His lips parted slightly as he scanned the room, looking for the right woman. There she sat, sandwiched between two friends in a yellow dress that complimented her chestnut complexion.

Her attention seemed to be on her drink, completely oblivious to his stare.

Then he sang his new single, Delicate, keeping his eyes on her. The deep baritone voice encapsulated the whole bar as he poured his heart and soul into these words he sang, gripping the microphone as he swayed slowly.

The audience was at a standstill as the women looked at him adoringly, his panty-dropping voice had some women feeling instantly moist.

He couldn't help but drink in her beauty, he had never been enamoured by any woman like this before and he couldn't understand how she didn't see him serenading her right now.

Maybe she is shy.

A smirk formed across his handsome face as he removed the microphone from its stand, his singing became more passionate as he bit his lips. There was something about her that made him want to take her right there but also just wanted to admire her beauty.

Was this lust? Nah, it couldn't be.

He strode slowly through the crowds, kissing various women's hands as they stroked his torso but his eyes never left her. She was chatting with her friends, smiling which gave him a chill down his spine.

Her friends turned, seeing him standing there with their eyes widening with excitement.  He reached out his hand to her as the spotlight shone on her and suddenly, she was nervous, not knowing what to do.

She tried to cover her head but her friends nudged her to take his hand and so she did, her soft hands slipped so easily into his hands. There was electricity that brimmed between them and they both knew it.

He pulled up and took her to the middle, where he sang sweetly in her ears as they moved rhythmically together to the seductive sounds of his song. She could feel herself falling dangerously into his calming embrace and she didn't want to get too caught up.

The song eventually ended, and the crowd whooped profusely. Just like that, she snapped out of his spell and ran quickly to the ladies. Adonis was swarmed by fans but that wasn't where his focus was, he wanted to know where she had gone so they could talk.

She stood in front of the mirror as she reapplied her lipgloss. 

It was just a dance, nothing else, she reassured herself.

"Bitch, what was that ?" Sydney stumbled in, smiling mischievously. Noelle shot her look as she zipped her bag up.

"It was nothing, he probably won't remember me anyway. Let's go back" She rushed her words, trying to run out but Sydney wasn't having it as she pulled her back.

"Don't even try that.  He's clearly feeling you, anyone with eyes can see that" She replied with annoyance. 

"He probably does that to other girls every time he performs. You know how these singers are" Noelle retorted but Sydney still wasn't convinced and decided not to press the issue any further as they walked out of the ladies bathroom.

The atmosphere had simmered into quiet jazz instrumentals as people chattered away. They made it back to the bar where Kayla was talking to her boyfriend. They stood and chatted about different things, laughing and drinking, which seemed to calm Noelle's nerves.

Unbeknownst to her, Adonis saw her come back but his fans wouldn't let up as they asked for pics and autographs. Her fragrance lingered in the air as if she was standing next to him and his memory was engraved with how she moved against him as they danced.

His eyes lingered on the radiant beauty and it seemed like she knew someone was looking at her as her eyes raised up to see his intense stare. He knew that by the night's end, he would definitely know who she is.


Hey loves,

Welcome to Season 4.

It's gonna get juicy so definitely stay tuned.

Vote and comment as always.


@TamaraMensah xx

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