Chapter 1 ~ The Wildlings

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The slight wind swept through the wide open fields as dawn rose on these conflicted lands. Many had passed through here, many had lost their lives in the great war, but it was now that peace had at last began to settle in the core of the Earth, that two misunderstood souls would at last reappear.

We join the first, Luna, a tall brunette, hair just above her waist as she saunters through the forest. This was daily routine for the silvery-blue eyed girl, who had just turned 19. The white hilights in her wispy hair shone perfectly in the glowing sunlight, reflecting off a selection of nearby rocks. Luna let out a small breath of air as her feet hit the grass. It was common for her to run without shoes, they were after all pretty much foot-prisons. Leaping over the rocks that had stood so defiantly in her path, the girl began to run towards the place she knew as home, the few rabbit carcases she had caught on her nightly hunt swung limp in her grasp. Pulling up at the den, she threw her head back, pressing her eyelids together and letting out a loud thunderous howl across the forest. The birds were silenced and the remaining alive rabbits scattered quickly. Luna grinned as her howl was returned with a range of tones. The pack were back, and it was dinner time.


Our second misunderstood soul stood on the sparse field that lay before the greatest mountain known to man. Her long red hair blew deftly in the never-ceasing wind, its palomino highlights triwling their way around her face. The deep brown eyes that were beautifully twinged with a trifle of purple stared deep into the soul of the forest, and before Sorrel could move, she knew there was a threat. Immediately, all of her instincts were on high alert, and she gently backed up, squinting in order to catch any sign of movement.

Eventually she caught a glimpse of a flash of white mixed with grey, and Sorrel knew. Wolves. Spinning on her left food, she tore off towards the herd, calling wildly to catch the lead stallion's attention. As soon as she had moved off, his beautiful shimmering black neck and arched friesian head had shot to attention. Sensing the danger immediately, he called wildly to the rest of the herd. Soon all the horses, along with Sorrel, were tearing up the mountainside, each looking out for the other. Almost immediately, they reached an outjut of mountain rock, and only Sorrel dared to walk onto it. Her human slim and small frame was much lighter than the horse's heavy bodies. Peering over the edge, she spotted the wolves beginning to make their way up towards them.

Catching her breath Sorrel hoped they would be called away by their alpha. Soon enough, she heard the sound that always made her gasp with relief. Gazing off into the distance, Sorrel watched and listened as a howl erupted, causing silence to fall over the otherwise deafening mess of foliage. Her eyes rested once more upon the wolves below, as they turned and listened. The largest- which she later recognised as the Alpha of the pack- threw his head up letting out an almighty howl, before leading the small hunting party back into the forest as a great speed. Sorrel gently nickered to the herd that the coast was clear, before swinging onto the back of her favourite horse. His coat shone with grey and white specks, his eyes green as snakes, and his hooves as black as oil. Together, the great herd of wild horses galloped into the the great unknown, unexplored by any human.


Luna grinned as her pack sped into the hollow, crashing into each other, nips and scratches flying everywhere as everyone scrambled to get in their places for dinner. She had managed to become quite a successful hunter in her time with the pack, she had been with them since birth. Knowing nothing else of her past, Luna had always assumed this was where she belonged. Although, one of her main accomplishments was picking up the human language. Even though she could easily communicate with the wolves through the use of body language and eye contact, as well as soft grunting and growling sounds, and howling, there was something about being able to speak human that Luna just found intriguing.

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