Chapter 10 ~ Trust

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Trott paced outside the obsidian structure as Ross sat on the fence of their small farm, “Trott they can’t be dangerous they are just girls, one it injured and the other seems nice enough” Ross said with a shrug of his broad shoulders. Trott stopped in his tracks and stared at the taller sir, “Ross, they appeared from no where! I heard that Sorrel girl talking to the bloody horse!” Trott practically shouted back his eyes full of urgency and fear of what these two wanderers could be capable of. “I’m going to phone Xephos!” Trott concluded, he wouldn't normally class Honeydew Inc as a solution but this was different. Turning he began to make his way back to the building but Ross stopped him.

“No! Xephos doesn't need to get involved, we can deal with this ourselves. You know what that spaceman and scientist would do. They would shove these girls in that damn lab of theres and see how they worked, they are just travellers!”. Shaking his head Trott took off on his jetpack, Ross was right but he couldn't admit it to his face. Sighing Ross jumped to his feet and walked slowly in the direction that Sorrel stood with Opel, time to get some answers.


Sorrel stood with Opel, softly brushing his untamed mane, nickering to him softly. She had just retuned from a small ride to clear her mind from the current situation, she knew Luna would wake… eventually, so decided it was best to get some time away from the strangers, they had been so kindly taken Luna in it her time of need, that Sorrel was truly thankful for their help. 

“Eh hem…” 

Her instincts kicking in Sorrel spun on her heel and pulled out her knife and took up a defensive stance. Her posture softened as she looked into the shocked blue eyes of the dark haired man who had his hands at his neck, protecting his jugulars. Placing her knife back in her pack Sorrel looked at the ground, “Sorry, instincts…”  she apologies and Ross relaxed, “Remind me never to sneak up on you again” he chuckled looking at the red head. 

Crossing his arms across his chest Ross looked at Sorrel and smiled, “So what is the truth?” 

“Huh?” Sorrel questioned making her voice sound as innocent as possible, but the shakiness of her lies showed in her purple specked eyes. Ross lent against a nearby tree and sighed, “I know your lying. Two girls aged a bit younger than ourselves turn up, one injured and the other talking to a horse. I’m not blind”.

Sorrel sighed deeply, there was no point lying anymore, the Sir had seen right through her fake story. “We… We…” she stammered but Ross raised a hand to stop her, “I honestly don’t care about the truth, I just wanted to tell you that Smith and I, well we aren't scared like Trott is, he’s a worrier but we just seen you needed help. Please stay for as long as you need and just ignore Trott’s groaning, you will learn to zone it out”. Sorrel’s frown turned into a smile as she looked at the sir; Trust, this was the first time she had felt trust from another human besides Luna, she knew Ross wasn't going to hurt her or shoo her away, he was a friend. 

“Thank you” she finally said to which Ross grinned, “No problem, plus I think Smith may have a thing for your friend” he chuckled out loud, “I’ve never seen his so desperate to help someone before”.


Runo whined softly as Luna finally stirred in her sleep, as the wolf bonded rustled from her unconsciousness Runo’s quiet whines were replaced with joyous barks.

“What the hell is that wolf barking at?” Smith groaned placing down at bottle of blue essence and walking over to the makeshift medical room. As he reached the door he became aware to the girl waking from her slumber, he rushed to her bed side to finally see her eyes slowly open. Pure silver blue eyes stared back at him, like full moons, shining in the torch light. 

Smith was so mesmerised that he nearly fell off his feet as Luna shot up, her eyes wide with fright, “SORREL SORREL!” she screamed at the top of her voice. Runo jumped at her chest and slowly nudged her face to calm her down. Catching her breath Luna’s eyes darted to look at Smith who stood at the bedside not moving, he had no clue what to do but as Luna calmed she took in the tall mans features. Messy brown hair lead to his sea blue eyes which radiated friendship and kindness, he wasn't going to hurt her and Luna knew it.

“I’m sorry…” she finally said her voice still shaky from the fright. Smith looked at her wide eyed and shook his head, “No I'm sorry, don’t think it was a good view waking up to see me beside you. I’m Smith, Alex Smith”. Luna blushed slightly looking up at Smith who chuckled lightly, “Luna…” she replied offering her hand to tall Sir. 

At that moment Sorrel and Ross ran into the room, both panting from their run into the building after Luna’s cry. “Are you okay Luna?” Sorrel asked looking at the wolf girl. Luna nodded and pulled away the blanket to see her leg was carefully bandaged, clear of infection. Ross stepped forward and smiled at Luna, “Nice to see your awake, you were in pretty bad shape”. Luna dipped her head, a wolf ‘Thank You’ and ‘Greeting’. This made both Ross and Smith tilt their heads in confusion but they shrugged their shoulders knowing that Luna and Sorrel were different and there wasn't always an explanation.

Authors Note

Sorry for the smaller chapter......

Hope you are enjoing and remember that "Support = Chapters"


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