Chapter 5 ~ Injured Friendship

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Sorrel tore towards the herd, practically flying. She could feel her muscles ripping as her legs worked unnaturally to take her towards the in danger horses. Sliding to a halt and ducking quickly beneath a small bush, Sorrel looked upon the scene with fear in her eyes. A tall man wearing a shining lab coat was chasing the horses with a badly tied lasso. His heavy boots luckily weighed him down somewhat, and all the horses managed to outrun him with ease. Hopefully, if the horses could continue to outrun him, Sorrel could simply meet up with them after they had escaped. Her messy hair blew into her eyes as the otherwise calm wind began to pick up. The breeze allowed her scent to be carried downwind- towards the herd. The scientist was busy catching his breath, hands on knees and his back slightly bent. Taking her chance, Sorrel leapt to her feet and took off, running alongside the herd's path. Letting out a ranged whinny, she begged her body to keep running and not give out till they were safe. Glancing carefully over her shoulder as she ran, Sorrel noticed the scientists head snap up as she called. Grinning, she swung herself onto Opal's back as he galloped level with her. Now she could properly look around. Noticing the scientist speak into some kind of contraption, she felt sick to the stomach. There were OTHER humans. Her eyes carried themselves back to looking in front of them, to see a woman of short stature wearing a bright red dress directly in their path. The sides around them began to slope and horses ran in front of her. There was no way out, humans either side. They were trapped!


Luna sat heavily, her eyes dimming to the world. She knew with her leg in this condition that making it back to the den was never going to be an option. Her mind swirled as the blood loss increased. She felt a pressure against her back. Runo lifted his head over her shoulder sadly and looked lovingly into her eyes. He was trying to support her enough to head back, but both wolf and human knew she wouldn't make it. She had little time left, where the fireball had originally felt like it had caught her arm, it had truly fully impacted in her legs, singing her arm as it passed. As soon as it had come into contact with her leg, the pain was so severe that Luna couldn't even feel it. That was until now. She sat with her eyes scrunched shut with one hand pressuring the pulsing wound, attempting to limit blood loss. An abrupt howl leapt through the forest, brandishing her ears with the longing sense of seeing her pack again. Runo leapt from behind her and in the direction of the howl. She couldn't make out who had called, and realised that she was slipping away... Her mind drifting from this world, and the last words that played in her head were ones she had heard but a few days ago, 'See you soon!’


Sorrel's mind span wildly, pushing her forwards but holding her back. The herd came to a halt in the middle of a valley. If they pushed forwards, they would meet the woman in the dress. Despite her size, she looked extremely menacing. Rushing her would do no good either. By the looks, she had begun to build a solid wall behind her out of stone. Turning with her hips, Sorrel guided Opal to face in the other direction. The scientist was now flying towards them in a hang glider at a great speed, faster than any cheetah- let alone a horse. There was only one thing to do. Pushing Opal into a gallop and assuring the rest of the herd was following in pursuit, she leapt off his back, clicking all the while to keep him moving forwards. Watching as the herd galloped towards the scientist, she took out a small knife and slashed down her face. She turned around and the woman with the dress was right behind her. She let out a gasp when she caught a glimpse of Sorrel's bloody face. 

"DUNCAN!" She bellowed out at the top of her lungs. Sorrel looked around slowly before passing out, her body landing heavily on the freezing hard floor.


The land of the unconscious is particularly lonely and boring. All that you can tell is the sense of your mind teasing itself gently, twisting your thoughts until they are barley recognisable as legitimate human functions. Both girl's minds were completing this action right this moment. Twirling, twisting and jiving about like writhing snakes. One's mind was filled with raging howls and endlessly barking wolves, and the other with shrill whinnies and a continuos thundering of hooves. Whilst they were dimly aware of their body being physically moved, neither could mentally drag themselves out of this tiring and confusing state. 

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