Chapter 15 ~ Trapped!

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Sorrel and Opal tore down the path skidding to a halt only when a large cottage-like structure came into view. The red haired girl jumped off of Opal's panting back and ducked behind some bushes. She let out a low whistle and soon enough Opal was behind her. Her eyes flickered and took in the scene before him. What appeared to be a two storey house had a range of mystical plants sprouting collectively. She frowned, turning her head slightly to the left. There was a range of equipment set up around in a settlement of trees. She headed over and observed the markings closely. They seemed to resemble some kind of twisted numbers, but Sorrel couldn't be sure. Opal whinnied gently at the edge of the clearing, and she stood and headed back to the impatient horse. She beckoned for him to follow, and the pair made their way a little way back into the forest. 

If she were to leave Opal out here in the minimal tree cover alone, she knew he would discovered by these ruthless kidnappers, and so pressed her face against his, staring intently into his emerald green eyes.

"Opal, you gotta go. Run, back to the herd. You need to help lead them away from this messed up human area" She nickered gently to him, tears rimming her eyes. Opal shook his grey head, mane flying everywhere. She sniffed and smiled gently. "If you don't, I'll be found out. Please, I can't watch you suffer too." The emotional moment was soon broken as the sounds of voices rang through the forest. Both horse and girl caught their breath, and the voices passed- heading away from the house and into the sky on what appeared to be broomsticks. Once she deemed that they were a far enough distance away Sorrel turned her head back to Opal, and pushed him softly towards the herd's winter grazing lands. Opal shook his head gently, and placed it on her shoulder.

"I will miss you my friend" She breathed, trying not to cry. Drawing back, they nodded, and Opal swung round, heading back into the dense forest. Sorrel watched for a moment, savouring the sight of her friend, completely free at last. 


Luna sat up, her head buzzing and whirling. She felt her throat clogged and jammed with a thickness. Opening her eyes, the girl saw a small torch directly in front of her. Around by her sides were a number of small chests and boxes. She looked up to see Runo lying in a messy heap. She rushed to reach him, her  body failing slightly from the continued effects of the weakness potion, although she was not aware of the cause. Falling to her knees, Luna crawled over to Runo and held his frail body in her lap. Silent tears fell down her cheeks while she checked his pulse. It was steady and beating- he was alive. She let out a breath she was unaware she was holding and wrapped her arms around him. Her mind racked to get back to the events of yesterday. Squeezing her eyes shut, her brain took her back to the moment she had been reunited with her pack.

There had been nips and yowls of joy flying everywhere. Luna allowed a grin to slip on her face for a moment, before recalling the next events. Out of nowhere, a group of two people had simply appeared, and threatened her pack. She vaguely a blonde and a dark haired gentleman, but her instincts had taken over. Frowning ever harder, Luna tried to focus all of her energy on remembering. The scene was blurred, but in her mind the pixels seemed to come together into some kind of picture. The scene played softly, the noise masked slightly and the actions less harsh. Luna's expression changed as she felt what she had been feeling. Almost as if there was a tingling. A tingling similar to the one that she had received when Sorrel and her had first  mental connection. At the time, they had figured out that this was most likely because they were, 'the bonded ones'. Wait- did that mean Sorrel had been connected then? Just when she was needed most? Luna was filled with a sudden hope, which was soon broken as a door behind her creaked open. 


Lomadia and Nilesy flew side by side on their dyed broomsticks, tilting them slightly against the wind.

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