Chapter 11 ~ A Snowy Love

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Luna sat with a little less urgency than the last time, stretching her arms out in a wide circular motion. The baggy torn hoody that she had previously been wearing now sat lazily over the chair next to her. It took a few moments for Luna's mind to process this, that fact she wasn't wearing her ONLY set of clothes. Wide eyed, she looked down at her own tall slim figure. Letting out a long breath she didn't know she was holding, Luna was relieved to see she was now wearing a brand new set of clothes.

A striped aqua and snow-white polo shirt sat neatly over her shoulders, fitting her perfectly and ending at her waist. Below this, a brand new pair of blue skinny jeans. Unusually, she felt an inner warmth for once. Next to her well-used hospitalised bed a pair of brand new shoes awaited her feet. Frowning, she decided to avoid them. Shoes had never been her thing. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Luna decided to risk walking a little way. Screwing her sleep ridden eyes shut, she allowed her previously injured leg to wait while her perfectly normal leg took her weight first. Opening them, she nearly squealed in delight as she balanced like a flamingo. Runo appeared in the doorway, barking gently in delight at the sight of his mistress up and out of the illness smelling bed. She glanced up at him and whined gently. He immediately headed towards her. Luna attempted to put her second leg on the floor, to balance the weight distribution. Cringing as her toes first touched the floor, she expected an immediate pain, but her eyes burst open into a frown as she realised it didn't hurt at all. There was no physical pain! Shooting a fist into te air with glee, Luna accidentally let out a shout of happiness! She looked back at Runo, who had been supporting her from behind and grinned at his eager expression.

Attempting to test wether it was fully healed or not, Luna began to run laps of the room barley tiring at all. Finally, she deemed herself fit to run outside with Runo. Heading towards the door, her bare feet padding gently across the cold stone floor, she whipped her hair back across her shoulder. It had grown immensely long while she had been staying in this strange sort of hospital. Now curling gently around her lower back, it glinted white in the winter wonderland. The skies had been producing vast amounts of snow for weeks on end now, and the whole surrounding was coated in a thick blanket of glossy snow. Smiling, Luna let out a huge 'WHOOP!' before taking off down the hill. The snow continued to lay as she ran, masking her tracks slightly. Runo was already ahead of her, and they began tumbling around as they did when they were both pups. The occasional good-spirited growl was not uncommon, but it was always in good fun. 

After about 10 minutes of playing chase and making snow wolves, Luna heard a shout from back up the hill. Both turned their heads, panting steadily to see a worried Smith staring into the endless white void. The fear was clearly written onto his face as he searched, squinting with his eyes. Luna spoke to Runo through the use of her body language and eye contact. But if she had spoken in human, there would have only been one word;


She belly crawled up the side of the hill, using the coated-in-snow trees as cover. Runo was already out of sight. He had always been the stealthiest hunter, this was just a test of his talents. Of course Luna could see him though, he had rolled in the snow to allowed his coat to become as white as milk. He was now running around the back of the shack, and had leapt onto the roof above Smith's head before Luna had even reached 3/4 of the way up! She soon reached the top, and made the sign for Runo to cause a distraction. Whipping his tail to the right he sent a ton of snow flying down, narrowly missing Smith's head. Jumping to look, Smith had his back turned completely to Luna. She took her chance and sprung herself onto him, collapsing in a heap of laughter on top of the bewildered man. He sat up from the sudden shock of a temperature change and began to shake his head. Luna caught her breath and looked at the man she had knocked over. Her heart fluttered as his ginger hair shone in the winter sun. He grinned at her, and she blushed, the redness of her cheeks contrasting with the white. The snow thickened around them, until they could see nothing but each other. Before she knew what was happening, Smith started leaning in with his eyes closed, and she mimicked his action.

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