Chapter 19 ~ Mental Poetry

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Grimacing, Sorrel brought Opal to a halt. In front of them lay a vast expanse of water, otherwise known as the ocean. She gently allowed her teeth to sink into her bottom lip. She glanced behind her to see the boys preparing their jetpacks eagrly and getting ready to take off. Allowing her eyes to drift back to the lapping water. There was no way Opal could swim across this, and there was no chance Sorrel was ever going to ask him to try. It had to be at least 200ft deep! No way. They would have to find some way around. Runo was impatiently looking up at her with expectant eyes. Sorrel's own borwn purple swirled eyes now flicked to meet those of Ross.

"No way are we" she gestured to Opal Runo and herself, "going to be able to cross that" now Sorrel pointed at the deep blue ocean ahead. Trott and Smith simply shrugged while Ross stepped forwards and lay a peaceful hand on Opal's neck while he spoke to Sorrel,

"Can you not leave him behind? We have a spare jetpack? Honestly Sorrel, I understand you love him, but is it not safer to leave him here, away from these 'evil' humans you told us of?" Ross smiled gently at the bewildered girl. Sorrel looked at the sir with eyes full of confusion and distress. Her long light eyelashes wove between eachother as she shut her eyes to smooth out all the bumps in her mind. With Opal Sorrel was stronger and more certain of desicions allowing her mind to be clearer. Without him there were so many choices she would have to face alone. The thought of leaving him a second time was so incredibly painful and heart wrenching, and she concluded the wrong desicion. Sorrel shook her head at Ross and let her eyes fall to the floor. 

"I'm not leaving him again, Ross. You all fly on ahead, we will find a way around." She smiled sadly at her travelling companions. Smith, eager to find his love was already flying low above the water, impatiently awaiting his colleagues desicions. Trott put a hand on Ross' shoulder and gently pulled him away from the stallion and rider. 

"C'mon mate, lets get going!" He chimed joining Smith in the air. Ross couldn't tear his eyes from the Bonded One and her Bonded Partner. Runo simply sat a few metres behind surveying the group. The grey coated wolf rolled his eyes at the prolonged goodbye and finished his patient wait with a short bark. All heads turned sharply to watch him as the half of the wolf-bonded team rose to his feet. Twitching his ears at Sorrel, she understood. It was time to head off.

"See you around!" Sorrel smiled befre urging Opal into a gallop towards a mess of forest. Runo was on their heels quicker than an arrow and soon the three were swallowed by the trees from Hatfilm's view. Smith sent a stone flying throught the air at Ross' head who was still standing staring into the trees. Upon reaching it's intended target the stone dropped lazily to the floor where it resided from that moment on. Ross swung round with a glare at his friend while Trott dragged him into the air. In no time at all the trio were heading out across the ocean, spray from the unforgiving water licking at their feet as they flew, all the while their minds wandered as to what would come next.


Sorrel and Opal did not stop. Being alone once more, well, aside from Runo, it fueld their crave for freedom and forced new confidence ino the atmosphere. Although the patthways were cramped with a pitch black light and a deafening silence, they pushed on with a hope for Luna. They were as wild and reckless as thunder over the land, racing with the eagle! Soaring with the wind! Flying? There were times they believed they could! Opal's mane was forced back by the sheer speed at which they were travelling. His legs worked over time, muscles flexing and pulsing for all they were worth. Sorrel could hear the wind, call her name. A sound that would lead her home again. They ran like the river, following the sun. Following their hearts.


Luna's body was growing weaker by the second. Without Runo her soul was halfed and broken unable to heal her fully. Her swollen eyes flickered open, shafts of light flooding in immediatley burning her vision slightly. Attempting to shift her position Luna took in a sharp breathe feeling completley broken. Almost every muscle in her body was painful and bruised. A stray tear wove it's way across Luna's pale tender face creating a narrow path for the next tears to flow. Soon Luna was in a state on the floor with no form of composure or self control. Well, what was to be expected of someone in her situation? The tears stopped as Luna realised the severity of the situation. There was no way she was going to be saved. In fact, did she even want her friend to attempt a rescue? If anything, it could end up in Sorrel getting killed. In her mind, Luna wept to herself hoping Sorrel could hear,

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