Chapter 7 ~ The Danger Of The Unknown

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Sorrel sat quietly on Opal's back as he retraced his steps in order to re-locate Luna. Pawing at the ground in frustration, he whinnied when the herd darted around them and further away into the trees. Both stallion and girl longed to join them, but they knew the next step in their lives was with Luna and Runo. Although the animals had still not truly adjusted to the other, both girls seemed to have one mind in the decisions they made.

For example, when Sorrel had returned to the dimly lit camp, almost simultaneously had come up with the idea that she would climb the highest tree so as to survey the area. Grinning, Sorrel had of course immediately complied, leaping to her feet and rushing at the tree. It's first branch was quite a way up, and so instead of risking anymore of her ragged lifeless shirt being shredded, she leapt deftly onto Opal's back and hoisted herself up. One foot after the other, Sorrel made her way up to the top, peering out of the leaves that covered her view. As the horses often moved during the night, her eyes were perfectly adjusted to seeing in the pitch black, and so every silhouette could be made out reasonably quickly. Glancing towards the farm, Sorrel squinted at the lit up the farm and watched as her eyes could just about make out the figure of a moustached man getting into a doubly-wide bed. Sighing in relief as she watched the farmer switch the powerful light off, Sorrel slid back down the tree. 

"He's asleep, I think its safe now to make a fire" Luna nodded in agreement. She was in too much pain to speak, and her leg sat resting across the broken and crumpled tree. Creating a small bonfire in order to keep them warm, the pair sat a distance away from each other- still wary of each's companionship. The twisting and writhing of the flames blocked Sorrel from Luna's view.  A sudden realisation struck Sorrel's mind! Reaching into the small bag she had rummaged together inside the daunting castle, she searched for the few painkillers that had been lying on the kitchen top. The blue canvas got in her way mercilessly she she fumbled and fiddled, trying to avoid all the other treats that laid within. Eventually, Sorrel pulled out a small bottle of pills, and popped the lid. Gently, she stood and headed towards Luna, attempting to avoid Runo at all costs. Luna had her face curled into a ball, no doubt from pain, and seemed shocked when Sorrel tapped her on her slumped shoulder. Perking up a bit, Luna glanced weakly at her. Sorrel simply smiled and handed her the painkillers, hoping they would soon take affect so that they could get on the move. If what the scientist had said was true, and they truly were the bonded ones, there was no doubt people would bee looking for them now.


Xephos stood on the edge of the Dwarf Star, hoping that both Sjin, Duncan and Kim would soon arrive. He had called this emergency meeting, as he didn't want the news of the newly founded legends spreading around the world. The spaceman had chosen the Dwarf star to host the occasion, as it was the most private location he could think of. Xephos glanced back over his shoulder to see a nervous looking Honeydew munching on a small box of Jaffas. Shaking his head at how the dwarf could constantly eat the treats, he turned and headed for the closest stool. 

"So" Dew, Honeydew's nickname, started, looking caringly at his out-of-this-world friend. Literally. "What do you think of this whole fiasco?" Xephos allowed his strained head to fall into his hands, the perfectly maroon jacket creased at the elbows where he was resting them on his knees in order to support his hands. 

"I don't know. I seriously doubt it's true... But for them both to ring and tell me within such a short space? I don't even know anymore Dew" Turning to face the second stool, Xephos was about to flop his body onto this as well, before nearly falling off in shock when Duncan and Kim appeared in a sudden flash of purple light. Righting himself quickly, he gestured for the two to sit upon the slim stools. Nervously, the scientist and flux queen took their seats, fiddling with their thumbs while they waited. Sjin was last to arrive, nearly crashing the rocket he had 'borrowed' from Hold Diggers HQ. Smiling sheepishly, the farmer scurried over towards his seat.The spaceman paced back and forth slowly in front of the small group. Kim was about to speak, when words at last erupted from Xephos' lips.

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