Chapter 16 ~ Rescue

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Xephos paced back and forth the corridor of YogLabs as Duncan sat down with his head in his hands. Not looking up he finally said what had been harbouring in his mind since they returned from Lomadia and Nilsey's base. "Was taking her like we did completely needed Xephos? She didn't look like she was going to fight back".

Xephos looked up and stared at Duncan, his blue eyes glowing slightly showing the spaceman's strong emotion, which emotion was unclear.

"Duncan do you want Minecraftia to be destroyed?" He shot back at the scientist making Duncan look away. "Either Ridge is toying with us or these girls are an actual danger", Xephos continued before slumping down on his desk chair, raking his hands through his raven hair. "What do we do Dunc?"


"Ugh where an I know?" Luna whimpered, her head clearing from the second dose of weakness potion; if she ever caught that dark haired potion master again, she was going to make him regret it.

Clutching her head she winced trying to force herself to sit up. After much struggling she began to survey her area, and her heart dropped.

"No it can't be, no no" she panicked looking around the small white room. No Runo, no windows, no space, no air, panic!

Gasping for air she thought of Runo, hoping he was safe; and Sorrel, would she ever see her again. Her mind wandered and she found herself back at Hat Corp, the memory of her head on Smith's chest, Runo at her feet and Sorrel laughing with Trott and Ross; she wound never be that happy again.

Breaking her from her thoughts, a metallic click sounded from behind her and the hatch in the door opened revealing the top of the dwarf's head; one of the four people she remembered from her capture. Peeking through the hole, the dwarf's blue eyes sparkled with interest, his tangle of ginger hair poking from his hat.

"Ooo your awake!" He smiled then disappeared. Another electrical noise sounded making Luna watch as one of the other walls opened to form a window, with the dwarf of the other side, grinning like an idiot.

"Hello!" He said eagerly waving his hand. Luna was confused by the friendly energy he exhibited, then she remember the unhappy look on his face when he burst the second potion on her, it was like he had been forced to. 

"Hello? Can you speak? You did earlier?" 'Wow he was a talker' Luna thought tilting her head watching the strange little man.

"You said your name is Luna, pretty name! I'm Honeydew, Honeydew of Khaz Modan. I don't like that Xephos put you on there, I even offered my room".

'So Xephos that's what the Spaceman was called!' Luna thought making a mental note. The Dwarf was obviously trying to be friendly and maybe he was but could Luna trust him? After all his friend was planning on killing her after finding Sorrel.

Slowing getting to her feet Luna used the wall to hold herself up as she looked at the Dwarf, who she was now taller than. Fully expecting him to step back as she walked closer to the glass Luna looked at him confused.

"Are you not scared?" She finally asked back to speaking her broken English. Honeydew shook his head and smiled, "I think it's cool, you know the wolf bonded stuff! I didn't believe Xeph at first, I through it was rubbish but here you are!" Honeydew answered quickly, man he could bleather. Luna cocked her head at the strange man in front of her, who had now made himself comfy on the floor, looking up at her.

"Plus you don't mean us any harm right?" The Dwarf questioned and Luna shook her head, "I just want the best for my pack".

"Your pack! You mean you actually lived with wolves! Cool! Did they have name? Did you hunt with them? Did they ever try to eat you?" Honeydew blurted out question after question fascination in his eyes. Luna couldn't help but chuckle which make Honeydew smile, "No the didn't try to eat me and..."

Luna had no time to continue her conversation as the man in the crimson jacket, Xephos, charged into the room on the opposite side of the window.

"HONEYDEW! What are you doing? I told you to leave her!" He shouted at the Dwarf which made him flinch, the happy look on his face gone; obviously it wasn't like him to shout. Luna could feel a deep growl raise in her throat as she looked at the spaceman, but kept it under control knowing it would only worsen the situation; if that was possible.

Xephos' staring liquid gaze then locked on to her and he took a deep breath, "Luna, we have some questions, and you will answer them."


"Runo sit still!" Sorrel ordered the wolf as the sound of footsteps got closer, only one set, only one person; the other must have left. Listening to the creak for each floor board Sorrel's heart raced as they began to climb the stairs. Swearing under her breath she peek to see the female with blond locks enter the chest room. Expecting her to find them immediately Sorrel prepared to run, but instead the woman sat down on one of the chests her head in her hands. Sorrel watched as small droplets of moisture fell to the floor. Was she crying?

Feeling the strange urge to comfort the woman she stopped herself as a brown owl flew in through one of the window.

"Hey Athena" the woman spoke sweetly removing her hands from her face, revealing bloodshot eyes and her tear stained cheeks. The owl hooted softly before leaning on her leg, it obviously cared about her deeply, just like her and Opel, oh Opel. A tear began to trickle it's way down Sorrel's cheek and Runo gave her a concerned whine.

"Who's there?"


Sorrel looked over the chest knowing their cover was blown. She stared into the shocked eyes of the woman, but no weapon had been raised. Sorrel slowly walked along the walls of the rooms until she was opposite the owl maiden, Runo at her feet, his hackles raised as he glared at the owl, Athena.

"Your the other one aren't you?" The woman asked continuing to look at Sorrel, who nodded slowly, despite to get out.


"Wait what?" Sorrel questioned out loud her shock eviden, why was she letting them go so easily? 

"You heard me, go. Go find the other, and I'm sorry" the owl maiden said, and Sorrel didn't wait for a reply she was out of there but why had she let them go.

Once Runo and herself had reached the tree line of the thick forest Sorrel looked back down at the red cherry wood house for a moment then took off. Time to find Luna.


"Ross we really need to put up some creeper control" Trott sighed, the two sirs working on repairing after yet another creeper blast.

"Not my fault mate. You were the one that said that obsidian looked too 'evil'" Ross objected using his pickaxe to clean up a tree that had caused most of the damage. Smith appeared at the doorway of the shake with soda in his hands, "Seems you guys could do with a break". The tallest sir had began to perk up after Luna left but Ross and Trott could still tell that their friend still wasn't the same.

The three sirs relaxed under a nearby rainbow oak, the snow beginning to melt around them. It hadn't been the same since the girls left and they were still missed.

"You know I miss those girls so much I'm sure I can hear Opel's hoofs" Ross reminisced leaning against the tree trunk.

"Uh mate I didn't think that's in you head" Trott said matter of factly making Ross look up. All three stood up as they watched Opel gallop towards them, his main wild and breaths deep and heavy. Skidding to a halt in front of them Opel whinnied and threw his head in the direction he wanted them to follow.

"Opel where is Sorrel!?" Ross said alerted at the lack of the horses rider. Opel reared up then took off back the way he came. "Damn horse wasn't us to follow" Trott recognised.

"Grab the jet packs!"

Authors Note

Another Chapter :)

Hoof and I enjoy this story so much that we couldnt help it. And plus each chapter each other write is a surprize for us too :)

Hope you are enjoying and please comment your thoughts :)


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