Chapter 21 ~ The Vile

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Sheltering in a small cave, the group sat round a fire that Sorrel had mustered up, providing heat against the winter storm that swirled outside.
Smith didn't like that HoneyDew had chosen to shelter with them, he had Luna locked in his damn lab, why was he here?
Rising to his feet the others watched in shock as Smith pinned the dwarf forcibly to the wall of the cave.
"What the hell Smith? What are you doing?!" Ross asked alerted to his friends action. Honeydew was startled, his eyes wide in fright as he legs dangled off the ground; he raked at the tallest sirs hands on his throat, but to no avail of removing him.
"He has Luna! He took her away and put her in that lab, god knows what they have done or are doing?" Smith spat anger in his voice.
Sorrel watched as HoneyDew's face began to drain of colour, "PUT HIM DOWN!" She instructed a commanding tone in her voice. Smith, shocked by Sorrels sudden outburst, dropped the dwarf to the floor were he gasped for air and rubbed his neck.
Smith then walked to the back of the cave and sat down his head in his hands. Sorrel shook her head then looked at Runo who whined slightly at the humans fight, the wolf was still alive on this earth meaning that Luna was too.
"No fighting! I forbid you to fight!" She ruled the others, knowing that fighting would just make the situation worse. She had questioned the Dwarfs motive but she seen goodness in him, he had sadness in his eyes, not the glow of power or control.
With a sigh Sorrel looked into HoneyDew's blue eyes, "Where is Luna?"
The wolf bonded was losing all sense of time in her box prison.
A day? Two days? A week? Two weeks? Longer?
She didn't know.
Sorrel's song still rang in her head, showing that she wasn't alone but she was. She was alone! Locked in this white cube.
Luna whimpered lightly to herself, trying to find courage in the situation. Lifting her head she began to howl again, the noise echoing around her, making it sound like the pack was replying.
"Stop with the howling!"
Luna's eyes shot open to see the scientist standing at the window of her cell. Backing off Luna cowered in the back of the room, terror in her eyes. She had went from a confident member of a wolf pack to a terrified pup, the sight of the man sending her heart into overdrive.
"Ready to answer more questions?" Duncan said his voice dark and commanding. Luna shook her head but couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye.
"Oh your not, well we will change that"
Sorrel sat in stunned silence unable to speak as Honeydew talked through Luna's ordeal. It explained Runo's whimpering and the times he would flinch with nothing to cause it.
Honeydew stood opposite the sirs and Sorrel, tears rolling down his face, it was the first time he had been able to show emotion about the situation. The horse bonded then walked to HoneyDew's side and placed her hand on his shoulder.
"It's not your fault, don't blame yourself" she soothed him to the surprise to Ross and Trott who couldn't understand Sorrel's kindness to one of the men that had kidnapped and tortured Luna.
Honeydew was also shocked by the reaction but threw his arms around Sorrel and sobbed, the horse bonded hugged the dwarf back and comforted him.
The moment was interrupted as Sorrel heard Runo yelp in pain. Rushing to his side, she watched the wolf roll in pain, his eyes tightly closed, a whimper escaping his jaws.
"Oh no, Luna"
"Please, please stop" Luna sobbed as the iron monster injected a vile of purple liquid into her arm. Duncan watched from outside the cell as two golems held her down, preventing her from escaping.
As the liquid entered her blood stream she screamed in pain. The echoed cry of Runo calling in the back of her head.

Leaving her riving in pain Duncan left the room and went to his office. Locking the door behind him he crippled at his desk.
"What have I become? Why am I doing this? She's just a girl!" He shouted to the empty room. Raking his fingers through his blond hair he could feel the tears welling up. Glancing up from his desk, he looked at the photo of Kim he had placed on it. She would hate what he had become, she would be scared of him. He was a monster.
"Runo shhhhh, shhhh" Sorrel tried to calm the wolf who rolled around on his side whimpering and yelping in pain. This was nothing compared to the other pains the wolf had experienced, this was something much more substantial.
Runo looked up at Sorrel his brown eyes glazed over in pain, another wave of pain surging over his body.
Smith had come forward from the back of the cave and knelt beside Runo. Something was very very wrong.
Hours passed and the pain didn't subside. What had the scientist done to her? Looking up from her slouched position on the floor, her vision blurred, purple wisps invading her view. The purple substance had moved from her blood to her skin, burning swirls into her skin.
"Sorrel! Sorrel help!"

Authors Note
Hey! Paw here!
Sorry for the shorter chapter than Hoof and that I haven't been been chapter writing but hope you like the chapter and please comment your views
~Paw xxx

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