Part 29 ~ Visions

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Sorrel's fox red hair flicked behind her shoulders as Opal thundered through the night. His hooves hammered against the ground with such force, Sorrel could but wonder how they were not causing him pain. Relentlessly, Opal pushed onwards, his breathing heavy and strained. Sorrel's brown eyes, contrasting more than ever with the purple that swirled against them, suddenly made out spirits of red, chasing them through the trees. She tried to scream, but her throat closed up and no sound erupted. The white's of Opal's eyes shon bright in the moonlight with fear as he soared over a fallen tree trunk. All around them, streaks of red zoomed past, threatening to hit the pair at any moment. Sorrel's vision blurred for a moment as a voice rattled through her mind.

"You'll never escape..."

It cruelly shrieked, forcing Sorrel to gasp for breath. She snapped back to the present, trying her hardest to block the voice from her head. She knew the speaker, and oh how she wished she didn't. Suddenly the echo of hooves faded away, causing Sorrel to glance at where Opal had previously been, revealing nothing but an empty space. Her mind spun, and she began to fall down, down, down- into what seemed to be the darkest and most desolate abyss known to mankind. Feeling a warmth in her left hand, she turned to see Luna falling by her side. She allowed herself to breathe a momentary sigh of relief. The two bonded's eyes met for a moment, before Luna spoke. Except she didn't speak, it was that same raspy voice, yet again, that thundered through Sorrel's very being.

"You'll never escape..."

Luna's lips formed the words whilst the voice spoke. Still falling, Luna gave Sorrel a wicked smile, before a screaming arrow knocked through her chest, turning the girl into a million glass fragments. Sorrel screeched at the obliteration, her hand scarlet red from the glass' sharp edges. Tears burning down her cheeks as hot as acid, she turned to the right to see a smiling Ross holding her hand. She yearned to fall into his arms, cry, and have him tell her that everything was okay. That it wasn't real, and that she, along with Opal, Luna, Runo and the rest of them were more than fine. She slammed her eyes shut as he opened his mouth, the coarse voice once again shredding her hopes of survival.

"You'll never escape..."

It roared, clearly satisfied at how she was reacting. The red haired girl once more opened her eyes, only to see the man she had come to care so deeply about suffer the same fate as Luna. The screaming red arrow, the erupting shards of glass. Her hands now equally drowned in the thick crimson substance that was her own blood. The floor of the abyss drew nearer and nearer as Sorrel fell, and her mind gradually grew sharper. She could make out every single detail of the surface she was about to come into contact with. Taking a deep breath, Sorrel shouted into the depths of her own mind,

"It's just a dream."

But her voice was overwhelmed by another.

"You'll NEVER escape!"

Then she smashed against the marble floor.


Sorrel shot upright in her bed, beads of sweat dripping off of her forehead and she struggled to come back to reality. The girl struggled to catch her breath as the nightmare slipped away. It wasn't any ordinary nightmare, oh no, she had experienced enough of those to be able to tell them apart. This was a vision, a warning. That voice that had rattled through her mind, forcing fear and banishing hope had been one shed recognised oh too well.

Staring upwards through the skylight force field, Sorrel found herself staring into the stars aimlessly. She'd known for a while that this moment would come. She and Luna had spoken of it upon many occasion. They'd have to face their rivals at some point, before anyone was hurt protecting them.

Sorrel stood from her meadow side bed, stretching out, before changing into her day attire. Although it was still the dead of night, she could sense dawn was fast approaching. Night had never truly been Sorrel's strongest hour. Luna had always been more of a crepuscular creature, preferring the twilight hours to those of the day. Regardless, Sorrel shrugged her black leather jacket on over her grey shirt and trudged outside towards the stables. The cold of the frost bit greedily at her skin, forcing a shiver down her spine. She swallowed nervously as the hoot of a tawny owl broke the otherwise silent woods. Opal's silhouette could be made out as she made her way towards him, and unbolted the door. The grey stallion's nostrils softly blew warm air around her face, allowing a smile to creep upon her lips. Swinging herself into his back, Sorrel headed out towards the hollow in which she was certain she would find her best friend, Luna. She needed to indulge her in the nature of her dream. The horrors in entailed, and worst of all, the owner of the voice.
The man who had caused such strife in their lives, such pain, such horror. The awful scientist, Duncan.


Hey guys! So guess what's finally back? That's right! I've taken a little dip in the pool of inspiration, and this was the outcome. I hope you're prepared for more Sorrel and Luna shenanigans!
~ Hoof

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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