Chapter 10

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I had a mini heart attack. He surprised me in the best way possible. I felt sparks go off, inside me and on my lips. Probably because he's anamatronic. I smiled through the kiss. Which started off rough to shut me up, then went into a soft, amazing kiss. He slowly pulled back, keeping his thumb and fore finger on my chin. "(Y/n)?" He softly said, waiting for a response to what just happened. You were just to, in love, to respond. Wait, you said in love?! You're in love?! With Foxy! An anamatronic creature! This could NOT be happening.

"I-I got to g-go" you stuttered, quickly running out of the room. Why do you always do this?! You don't just hurt yourself, but Foxy too. And, you don't want to hurt Foxy. him too much. You felt warm tears trickle down your redened face. "I'm so fucking stupid!" You scream to yourself, kicking the wall hard. You collapse to the ground in pain. Not only pain of your foot, but pain of hurting someone you love.... how could you do this?

After a few few minutes of being balled up and crying, someone came for you. Be gently picked you up bridal styles. Through the hot tears you could see it was Bonnie. "Bonnie, why am I so stupid?" You asked him through the tears and pain. "(Y/n), you're not! You are beautiful, amazing, and to me... perfect...." Wait, did he mean that in a crush way, or like a really good friendly way. You didn't know, but one thing was for sure. For some reason, Bonnie made you happy inside.

He carried you into a lounge like room. He laid you down gently on one of the couches. You watched him walk around. The got you a wrap for your foot. He slowly wrapped it around you foot, them looked up and smiled. You smiled back so he knew it was perfect. He certainly very close to you and whispered "(y/n) I want to protect you, because I love you" and then he quickly and softly kissed you.

A/N: DID YOU NEED THE KLEENEX?! If not, you obviously are a soulless creature, but that's ok. We can still be friends. Thanks you guys Sooo much for reading and getting me to 675+ reads and 18 votes!! Please leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments below. And like always, stay toasty friends! ;)

-Allison xx

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