Chapter 17!!!

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A/N: I'm struggling to keep my eyes open XD

As you stopped shaking his hand, he didn't let go, and honestly. You're glad he didn't. Staring into his mesmerizing eyes you got lost in the moment and totally forgot about Bonnie. "Yes," he said, "I know my eyes are very blue" he finishes with a cute smirk and a wink. Gahhh, you were staring and he noticed!! Your heart skipped a beat and you mumbled "sorry" with your cheeks redening. He put his soft hand on your chin and lifted your face to meet his eyes. "I don't mind," he said, flashing that devious smirk once again, then letting go of you.

"So who are the lucky kids that came here with you?" He asked. You blushed and turned to point to the booth where the kids were once sitting. You had a mini heart attack and thought you lost them, but then realised that they were both in the Jungle Gym, swinging around. "There they are," you told him, pointing as you explained. "That is Rachel, and that one is Tommy," you finished, and he began to smile again. "Cute kids, just like you," he said. Making You blush even more (if you even can blush any more at this moment) and continued on. "They are really really lucky," he finished, looking back at you.

"I really have to go to my shift, so I'm sorry, but I will be leaving now," he said hugging you. You hugged back, smelling his amazing sent. "Wait, you work here?" You exclaimed, surprised. "Yeah, as the day shift," he answered. And left, by blowing you a kiss.

Damn he was sure cute!!

A/N: I'm tired. Nuff said. Thanks for reading!- This chapter was obviously for Vibcet, which he will be popping up alot soon. Lol. Please leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments below!!

With Love, Allison <3

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