day 10- club

481 36 53

okay i know its a fucking stretch for a 'club' oneshot but this was my chain of thought: school clubs--->dance clubs--->rival clubs--->rival gangs--->...rival families

It was the party of the century. The house of Capulet was decorated from top to bottom with enough gold and streamers to put them in debt (though that was impossible, they always had a steady stream of cash coming in) and the servants of the household were all but buried with work. 

However, as the patrons flooded in, Mister and Mrs. Capulet were delighted with the turnout. It was about time that Keith, their son, found a wife so that the heir to the Capulet fortune was viable, and he might as well find the lucky woman that night. Little did they know, their son was flamingly gay and had no intentions of meeting anyone to marry that night. 

Keith Capulet, son of the richest couple in Northern Verona, was upstairs, examining his appearance in the mirror. He ran a hand over his cheek and observed the blending magic trick his maid had done with his makeup. His jaw and cheekbones were contoured and there was a pretty pink glow on the apples of his cheeks. 

His eyelids were dusted with a fine, gold shimmery powder and he wore mascara on his lashes. He looked pretty. Keith looked to the outfit laid out on his bed his mother had picked out for him- a billowy white button-up with tight grey slacks and a set of handmade angel wings for the costume aspect. Laying beside the outfit was an elegant white masquerade mask, a staple of Capulet parties. 

"I'll look to like, if looking liking move; but no more deep will I endart mine eye," he whispered the words he'd told his mother earlier when she'd asked him about finding a wife at the party. The last thing he wanted to do was find some pretty gold-digging teenager who only wanted his money. No, if he ever ended up having to marry someone like that, he promised himself he'd have an affair with a stable boy or the cook or something. 

He buttoned his shirt, zipped his fly, and pulled on the angel wings before heading downstairs, almost forgetting his mask. 

The party was already in full swing as he walked down the staircase, passing groups of tittering girls dressed in outrageously revealing costumes that barely fit the masquerade aesthetic. He wandered through the party, searching for Tybolt, his cousin, for any company at all. 

Sighing, Keith resigned to lingering by the bathrooms, staring at a fish tank that seemed to have just appeared that night, it's marine accompaniments included. His eyes darted between the shelves of coral and rock in search of the weirdest fish he could find. 

It was only when he crouched down to look beneath an arch of coral did he see a face staring back at him. Not only a face, a handsome face. Not only a handsome face but quite possibly the most handsome face Lance had ever seen.  He straightened abruptly, as did the stranger, and felt his heartbeat escalate quickly. 

The boy on the other side of the tank was a bright kind of gorgeous, his dark brown hair falling to the nape of his neck, his dark blue eyes detailed with black liner and silver shadow, lips slightly parted as he looked at Keith with an intense kind of curiosity. The boy was dressed as a knight, his shirt made of delicate, decorative chainmail, but he didn't wear a mask. Keith let his own fall to his side. 

They stood there, just taking each other in, swaying slightly like the artificial seaweed in the tank to the music playing in the background, their eyes searching each other. Never before had Keith felt so strongly about a person after meeting them so quickly, but his heart seemed to know exactly what was going on as his cheeks heated up pleasantly. 

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