day 5- shadows

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Keith was content in the shadows. He was safe, separate, silent. No one saw him and no one looked for him. He liked it that way. Plus, people-watching was fun (in a very non-stalker way). He liked watching the glitz and glam of the party-goers, their extravagance, their color and light. They never liked being in the shadows. They wanted to be in the spotlight constantly, earning the attention they so desperately craved.

Tonight's ball was one like no other. The king had ordered no expense to be spared and the palace staff did not disappoint. The ballroom was bedecked top to bottom with gold, the chandeliers glittering seductively from the high-arched ceiling, the side tables packed with platter after platter of extravagant hors d'oeuvres, the tiled floor polished like a mirror.

And then, with a loud boom, the doors were flung open and the guests flooded in, elegantly floating down the sweeping double staircase, their faces hidden by fans and hats, dressed in all sorts of silks and velvets, the women's' skirts stuffed with tulle, then men's collars so stiff they dug into their necks.

Keith himself wore his plain guard attire, neither attracting nor warranting any attention in his high-waisted black slacks and red button-up coat. It was standard and discrete and noble, just as the king wanted.

Keith watched with vague longing as the tiny orchestra started up, leading the attendees through one dance after the next. Keith found himself tapping a foot to the lilting waltz, his eyes only slightly dreamy as he gazed at true swirling, whirling skirts of the women and the straight backs of the men.

But most of all, he admired the stranger who was lingering by the refreshments table, talking to the General of the Guard, Shiro. The stranger was tall, taller than Keith, at least, and was dressed in a light blue suit with gold embroidery. He had a sharp chin and a jawline that could cut someone, along with piercing blue eyes that flashed in the chandeliers' flickering light.

Keith looked away, trying to convince himself that his heart wasn't beating faster. He studied his boots for a few seconds, but he couldn't help himself and looked back up at the stranger. And this time, those blue eyes were staring back.

The orchestra swelled in sound and it washed over Keith like a wave. The stranger looked like a deer caught in the headlights, his elegant neck turning to hold Keith's gaze, his brown skin warm and inviting. Blushing furiously, Keith looked away. He tried to look at his boots again, but then, another set of boots appeared on the floor in front of him and he was forced to look up.

"Hey, the name's Lance. Lance McClain."

Blue eyes danced playfully before Keith and his felt his back go rigid. Lance.

"Hello, Mr. McClain." Keith didn't like being so formal but it was protocol. "Is the party to your liking?" He tried to keep his composure.

Lance batted away the formality like i was a fly. "Just Lance, and you are...?"

"A guard," Keith replied dumbly. Lance laughed behind his hand, eyes sparkling.

"No, handsome. Your name."

If Keith hadn't been able to speak beforehand, he certainly wouldn't be able to after the way Lance had purred 'handsome'. He stuttered for a moment, the blurted, "Keith. I'm Keith. At your service."

Lance giggled again, that shimmery glittering sound that set Keith's heart into a set of palpitations.

Lance raised a perfectly-shaped eyebrow at Keith. "At my service, eh? Well then, would you honor me in a dance, Mr. Keith?"

Keith pressed his fingertips to the wall behind him. He clung to the shadows that rooted as anchored him. "I'm just a guard, Mr. McClain. You should be dancing with a lord or lady of your own status."

Lance rolled his eyes. "The lords and ladies of my status are obsessed with nothing but my money and their own appearances. I prefer frugality and modesty."

"It's easy to be frugal when you're not swimming in riches," Keith said drily.

Lance smiled faintly at the joke. "Then you're just my type." He reached forward, the shadows skittering away as his fingertips reached forward, enclosing around Keith's wrist lightly. "Now, the next song is starting. Will you please dance with me, Keith?"

Keith felt the shadows he knew so well fall away at Lance's touch and he stepped forward, off the wall.

"I'd... I'd love to."

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