day 23- proposal

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It was a perfect night. 

Lance had thought about proposing with a mariachi or a huge parade or a banner or some big celebration but, after talking with King Zarkon (who'd been overjoyed at the prospect of the proposal) he'd decided against something big and spectacular, as much as he wanted to impress Keith with extravagance. 

Instead, he took Keith to the beach. 

The Altean beaches were something that people came near and far to enjoy. The sand was shimmering pink, the color of morganite or rose quartz, and the water was a pale, milky white and light blue, like liquid moonstones washing across the beach. The suns were setting on the horizon and they cast the Altean sky a bright, gorgeous lilac with peach-colored clouds. It was gorgeous. 

But Lance was paying no attention to the setting. Keith outshone the beach and the sunset with the way he looked. He had shed the customary Galran garb he usually wore and had swapped it in for something more traditional. 

A long, red kimono cinched at the waist with a wide sash that tied in a huge bow at the back, the fabric designed with delicate flames and flowers, trailing behind him in the sand. The sleeves were long and covered his hands, but Lance had rolled up one of them up a little so he could intertwine their fingers. Keith looked regal and put-together, as calm as the surf. Lance had nearly swooned when he'd seen Keith the first time that evening. 

Lance himself wore his casual Altean clothes, flowy harem pants- navy blue with gold designs, a loose top, and a light cape that fluttered in the breeze behind him, kissing the sand. He even wore his coronet, which was small but simple and pretty lightweight compared to Alfor's crown. 

"It's so pretty out," Keith commented lightly. 

"It's been a while since I've been out here," Lance replied, "I forgot how nice it is."

Keith looked at Lance out of the corner of his eye. "Remember when we first met?"

Lance frowned. "When we were little?"

Keith smiled and shook his head. "No, no. Like actually met." 

"We did everything together." Lance looked at Keith with only love in his eyes. "You were the first person I came out to, you know."

Keith nodded and stopped walking, resting his head on Lance's shoulder. They looked over the ocean together, lost in the calming sound of the small waves crashing on the sand, the breeze in their hair, nothing else but each other. 

Lance squeezed Keith's hand. If he was going to propose, now was the time to do it. 

He started walking and Keith followed but, after a few paces, he stopped, pulled out the small box that contained the family ring (classically Altean with a small sapphire cut into the shape of a heart), and knelt. Keith kept walking a few paces, then turned to see what Lance was doing. 

His eyes widened and he brought his hands to cover his mouth, tears welling up in his lashes immediately. 

"Keith, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I talked with my dad and your dad and they both agreed. You're my everything. I want to always be with you. So, will you do me the honor and make me the happiest alien in the universe and... marry me?"

Keith didn't move for a few moments, tears falling down his cheeks. And then, ever so slowly, he knelt too, and pulled out a similar box, opening the lid to reveal a gorgeous Daibazaalan ring, inlaid with a ruby. "Lance, I was going to ask you the same thing."

Lance nearly felt his heart stop. "One billion times yes," he breathed, looking from the ring to Keith's shining eyes. He was in love, in love, in love, and finally, it was official. 

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